
NYCircuit, the voice of a new generation, is a new magazine started by 2 Trinity students (Molly is a senior and Lauren graduated last year). The staff consists of students from other uptown private schools in Manhattan. Brearly, Trinity, Dwight School, Horace Mann and Columbia Prep.

I was very interested in checking out this magazine. The first issue is an 80ish page bound mag with glossy paper. Pretty impressive for a high school rag. Obviously Daddy put a little money into this. The concept is to give NY teenagers a voice of their own (note the tag line).

If this is the voice of NY teenagers, then we should all be very concerned about this generation of kids. The magazine is beyond pretentious. The Must Haves section quite frankly, frightened me. For instance, I quote from the Juicy clothing piece “every new york city girl has at least one item of apparel and now guys are sporting them too. So what will make your Juicy sweat suit stand out from all the rest”. FYI – Juicy sweatsuits run about $100 or more. Here is another one. Stylish boots at $285. Shoes from Madden to Miu Miu. Miu Miu?? Warm sweaters starting at $220. School outfits for daytime and night. The most frigthening is the spread on “the best denim”. There is not a pair of pants for under $128. I believe that I am wearing some of the items sported in this magazine. Don’t miss the recipes for Marvelous Cocktails – sans alcohol.

Are these kids learning any values? Are they grounded? If this is the life that these kids are living at 16, how will they be living at 21? 25? 30? I gather that their parents will be supporting this trendy, expensive lifestyle for the rest of their lives. Do these kids have any ideas about diversity, inclusion and responsibility to the voice of other kids within their schools? Maybe all kids at these schools live the life style of the rich and famous but I doubt it.

Although, I certainly acknowledge the time and energy put into this publication but did they actually sweat it out? Pay for it themselves? Start with a newspaper type print publication stapled instead of beautifully bound glossy paper. Incredible how the ad revenues are advertisers that are coveted by New York Magazine or Gotham. Did they pound the pavement with their concept to advertisers or ask their parents friends for help?

This magazine certainly makes me even more committed to raising kids iin NYC with a perspective about the value of money, not growing up too soon, giving back to people that are not as fortunate, being inclusive of all people and having friends that do not see themselves as entitled. The kids that wrote that magazine sure do.

What can I say, it just took my breath away. Yuck, yuck, yuck!!!

Comments (Archived):

  1. JEssica

    hey mom, nice dissing… I think u said it all. And I thought the part about the glossy papers, and that u thought “daddy put a little money into this” was really funny, but prolly true. LYL, JESS

  2. Thea

    Hi Joanne it’s Thea, Jessica’s friend. I would just like to say that i totally agree with what you said about NYCIRCUIT magazine. My sister goes to Brearley but she’s not like one of these kids yor describing. Anyway, she gave me a copy of the magazine when Jessia was over and we read it and were amazed by how stuck up these kids were. All they care about is money, I’d like to see them living somewhere were they ca’t have their new JUICY sweater and their MIU MIU shoes!!

    Glad to know what you thought about it.

    xox Thea

  3. Kris

    Hi, Weird Question. I went to Hackley about 4 years ago, and I heard about this new mag, and I want to see it to see what all the fuss is about, but I cannot for the life of me get my hands on it…? ANy info you can provide would be much obliged. Sincerely, Private School Alum

  4. kris

    ps by “Hi, Weird Question” i did not mean to address you as “Weird Question.” I meant, I have one.

  5. Ethan Kensington

    You shouldn’t be jealous because you can’t roll with the big boys and girls. Mant NYC Private school students have been blessed with discriminating taste in regards to both women and clothing. We are proud of this.

  6. mccorm

    Joanne, hey, I liked your stuff. Thanks for the NYC wanderings. Vicarious NYC is better than none at all. All is good here in D.C., signed up for a kayak trip to Mexico with Tom McEwan in January. The Potomac has been just a little bit cold lately.


  7. clove

    i happen to know the girls who make this magazine. i also know for a fact that these girls have very wealthy parents with at least some connections. i also, however know for a fact that this magazine was NOT completely funded by ‘daddy’s’ wallet. even if it was though, is that really a reason to fault them? if you wanted to start a magazine, and someone said to you, “i’d like to give you funding to improve the quality of your magazine,” would you reply by saying “no, i’m sorry, i’d rather have my magazine made out of photocopied printer paper and staples”? Bearing in mind that this magazine is made by teenage girls, is the content really that surprising or deplorable? OF COURSE there are going to be expensive clothes in there! but just because they WANT these clothes, doesn’t mean that they OWN them all. i think that it is more than obvious that these girls know the value of money, they run a business! Lastly, i also know that both girls participate in community service; the kind that goes beyond giving out of style clothes to charity. i’m not saying that NYCircuit magazine is a bastion of socioeconomic diversity, or that it’s subject matter is anything beyond shallow, but i think that in this case, you are the one guilty of being narrow-minded.

  8. Pamela Sarah

    I have met both of the girls who did this. I also know, that they worked for about four months, on the phone with over 100 companies asking them to advertise in the issue. They raised all of the funding on their own, which is an extremely difficult tast for two 18 year old girls. Secondly, they accepted submissions from anyone who wanted to write, therefore, the subject matter was actually showing these kids truthfully. I know they had a hard time choosing what to do when people gave them “must have” items that cost $200, but then again, many of these kids are spending that money, so they had to realistic… It wouldn’t have been honest if everything in the magazine was less expensive. Finally, i know they are making many changes with the next issue, they see their mistakes, but were working to start a buisness, which is clearly very hard. I know these girls pretty well, and know they are the opposite of how being described.

  9. agree

    I agree with what was written right above me. I happen to go one of the schools contributing to the magazine, and while there are parts of the issue that maybe should be changed (and i think are going to be) overall, this is a very impressive piece of work to be done by two kids. I know for a fact that there was no money from “daddy”, these girls raised it all themselves. I read about it in the LA Times, where that was a long piece on their hard work. There are places that things should be changed, however, how come nobody is commenting on all of the positive sides to this. There are “emergency contact numbers” for students who need help in many areas, a community service piece, a piece about the inequality of the SATs, book reviews, and a hilarious one titled “five most hated New Yorkers”. While some of the must haves are pricey, there is also a $4 lip balm, and $15 shoes. While i cannot afford the $200 sweater shown, about 10 of my friends have that very one. Lets be quicker to congratulate then tear apart… these girls did something very difficult, and maybe you are jealous you couldn’t accomplish such a task at such a young age.

  10. NYCircuitLover

    I would just like to say that I think it is pathetic when a grown woman feels the need to be petty and childish by attacking the hard work of teenage girls. A family member of mine is one of the publishers of NYCircuit, and she works her butt off every day to produce this magazine, alongside the many other demands of being an Ivy League accepted Private School Senior. Just because you don’t happen to like the content of her magazine, doesn’t mean you should belittle her hard work and effort. It sounds to me like you are a little bitter about the fact that a 17-year old is out there producing her own magazine, when all you are doing is writing lame websites while you sit at home cooking and cycling. Grow up and get a life.


    Liz S. I know you don’t want to be corrected about being wrong, but I’m sorry to let you know, that the girls who did this actually did it on their own. I interned this summer at one of the companies who advertised for them and the girls called 10 times before they were let through the door. they had meeting after meeting until they could convince the company to give them an ad. i talked with the girls at length, and i know that it was through meetings and encounters like that that they were able to raise the $20,000 it cost to print it. Rant and rave all you want, but you sound not only stupid, but uninformed. I would like to see you get off of your butt, while transfering from one private school to another, and making that kind of money. i saw first hand that this was not handed to them… have anything to say to that?

  12. PS

    PS Liz, talk about over-generalizing… “They are afraid or just don’t care to express their inner selves.” You sound bitter to me. Maybe you don’t care about “must haves” but while you are at it why don’t you critisize every other magazine out there (other than news and sports mags). Yes that is part of it, but if you stopped judging before knowing, and you picked up the magazine, you would see that there are MANY other articles in that go beyond this. (SAT’s, community service, emergency contact numbers, book reviews, cd reveiws, etc.)

    GIRLS WHO MADE THIS: if you are reading this, please do not be discouraged by bitter jealous girls who just wish they had done something with their lives.

  13. SAMMIE

    I saw something in Teen Vogue Magazine about two girls starting a magazine called NYCIRCUIT, i though t it was really awesome. I am an inspiring Fashion Journalist and thought what these girls are doing. I live in Florida and cant get aholf of this magazine, but i want too! SOMEONE SEND IT TOO ME… AND LET ME BE THE JUDGE! someone w/b !

  14. Janine

    Liz S.- How can we find what you say valid if you haven’t read the magazine. That is just ridiculous. I have read it, it is in school, and i think it is more than impressive. Congrats girls! To be honest, you just sound to me to be miserable in your surroundings, and are taking it out on these girls… get over yourself

  15. Mandy

    I read an article about the mag in Teen Vogue and then I emailed the girls and they sent me a copy. I am more than impressed with this. It is so professional. THe girls also spent the time to inform me of every step they took in order to make it. (making press kits, approaching advertisers, finding printing rates, collecting articles, etc.) I would like to see some of the people who make fun of this attempt to make one of their own… wow!

  16. Mike

    Hi! I read about NYCircuit and would like more information. MANDY, if you see this could you tell me their email so I could contact them and hopefully receive the same information that you did?? I tried e-mailing you but it didn’t work.

  17. lauren

    omg i have looked vurtiually every where since november for this magazine and I seriously cannot find it anywhere. How can i get it? Is it only distrabuted to nyc private schools? They dont sell it in B and N as far as I know.

  18. Jesscah

    I find it absolutley hateful that you would bash these two girls who obviously worked very hard to create this magazine over a must-have article published in a teen magazine that these girls pulled together. In case all you 16 going on 45 year olds didnt notice most of your peers want to know what the latest must-haves are, they dont want to be thought of as “losers” beause they didnt have the new Juicy pants or top.I’am not condoning what is going on in these people’s minds but I cannot stop it either and that type of article is what your peers want to read. Although I think what these girls brought together is great, I do oppose calling the magazine “the voice of a new generation” because its not, no magazine or anything for that matter can capture one generation.

  19. Beatrice Jackson-Arbor

    The fact that this magazine is producing this amount of controversy is proof in itself that this magazine is worth consideration to high-end advertisers. NYCircuit readers have a tremendous amount of disposable income, and their trends and tastes are coveted by teenagers in other parts of the country. If a product is associated with NYCircuit it’s likely to generate interest amongst NY teenagers and beyond.

  20. Sarah

    The magazine isn’t about fashion… what are you saying. The new issue has one small section on fashion compared to the 19 others on topics such as community service and book reviews… umm, pick it up and read it before you make fun. its great.

  21. Sarah

    The magazine isn’t about fashion… what are you saying. The new issue has one small section on fashion compared to the 19 others on topics such as community service and book reviews… umm, pick it up and read it before you make fun. its great.

  22. sarah

    how do i get a copy?????

  23. pamela

    has anyone seen the new issue?! its wonderful!!!

  24. Zsa

    I am at a boarding school in Scotland (although I am a day pupil), and I read about NYCircuit in Teen Vogue. Firstly, to everyone criticising it, you seem to be pro-‘right to individuality’. These girls are being individual…how many 18-year olds would have the guts to publish a whole magazine?Not just that, but to do it properly, rather than with a photocopier and staples. I’m only 15, and a lot of my peers consider me to be an individual. That doesn’t mean that I have to be deep and meaningful all the time. If you’re so against the achievements of these two young women, then why are you spending time writing about them?

    P.S. Does anyone know if I would be able to get a copy sent to me in Scotland? Please?

  25. girl

    I came across your blog after doing a google search on the magazine. I think it;s so hilarious how these people are getting so uppety about their private schools and defending their cute, little magazine. I too want to eventually publish a magazine on my own after I graduate. Right now I’m too busy being the editor of my college’s paper to do so, but once I get the chance, I’m going to publish a magazine that is the antithesis of NYCircuit. I do appreciate the work the girls have put into their publication, but at the same time, I think they could do a better job in saying that they don’t represent the lifestyle of every single NYC private school girl. I grew up in NYC, and yes, there are some like them, but honestly, who the hell will care about the LV bag in 5 years? It will be on “I love the 2000’s” on VH1 and it will be a huge joke. The real matters these young women should be ore concerned about issues they care about and will effect other people, not frivolous stuff. They have an oportunity to do something big. I’m not saying they’re throwing it away, but They have such a great medium. They should really take advantage of what they have to get a message out that reflects society will help people. There’s already magazines out there that are just huge advertisements for women called Cosmopolitan…
    But hey, thats just one girl’s opinion.

  26. NYCprivateschool girl

    hi. i read about NYCircuit in teen vogue and i think it is a great idea. i think people dissing them are just jealous. i also think that many NYC private school teen girls do buy the things they mention and care about the thigns they write about. i know i wear juicy and other stuff mentioned. i didnt get a copy and i want to so email me if anyone knows where to get a copy!!!!

  27. jessica

    your comments really do not make sense. have you read the issue? They never talk about LV bags… what are you saying? They use their medium in a very good way, by discussing important issues such as community service, book reviews, music reviews, prescription pill abuse, interviews with their peers, and many other things. you obviously dont know what youre tlaking about. NYCprivateschoogirl- I emailed the girls at [email protected] and they sent me a copy…. so good luck. Also, when i emailed them they said I could write so look out for me in the next issue!

  28. jessica

    your comments really do not make sense. have you read the issue? They never talk about LV bags… what are you saying? They use their medium in a very good way, by discussing important issues such as community service, book reviews, music reviews, prescription pill abuse, interviews with their peers, and many other things. you obviously dont know what youre tlaking about. NYCprivateschoogirl- I emailed the girls at [email protected] and they sent me a copy…. so good luck. Also, when i emailed them they said I could write so look out for me in the next issue!

  29. b-ro

    as a graduate of 2 nyc private schools, one an all boys school uptown and the other a highly diverse campus school in brooklyn, i think i know something about this stuff. i also saw the 1st copy of the magazine, and found it, if anything, amusing. i commend the girls for putting the effort in, im sure that their parents didnt fund everything and turn this into something like a 2nd grade school project. however, if an outsider reads this, they draw bad stereotypes about nyc private school kids. of course, there are kids like this with lots of money at their disposals, but girls and somewhat feminine guys. yet at the same time, alot of us are much more regular. we dont care about what we wear or where we eat, we care about being with our friends and getting cases of natty light. unfortunately, a great idea and wonderful project sheds bad light on the nyc private school scene, which only made me more thankful that i went to highschool where i did, where 1/3 of the kids are on scholarship and these trends aren’t as obvious.

  30. JENNiFER

    True, this magazine does contain pricey items and draw stereotypes, but it also has some worthy info too such as community service and other issues(I haven’t read the magazine yet, but that’s what I heard). Besides, these girls are NYC teens. What would you expect in their magazine? This is the kind of stuff that we are into. They should’t be lashed out at for that. I do congratulate these 2 girls for their hard work, even if daddy helped out a little. There’s no way anyone could possibly accomplish a mag like this completely by themselves. That should also be recognized. The only thing I loathe about this magazine is that some of it’s readers are girls that are over-priveleged and have been taught nothing about values, morals, and responsibility.

    Hey jessica, do you think if I emailed the girls, they would send me a copy too? When does the magazine come out?

  31. JENNiFER

    True, this magazine does contain pricey items and draw stereotypes, but it also has some worthy info too such as community service and other issues(I haven’t read the magazine yet, but that’s what I heard). Besides, these girls are NYC teens. What would you expect in their magazine? This is the kind of stuff that we are into. They should’t be lashed out at for that. I do congratulate these 2 girls for their hard work, even if daddy helped out a little. There’s no way anyone could possibly accomplish a mag like this completely by themselves. That should also be recognized. The only thing I loathe about this magazine is that some of it’s readers are girls that are over-priveleged and have been taught nothing about values, morals, and responsibility.

    Hey jessica, do you think if I emailed the girls, they would send me a copy too? When does the magazine come out?

  32. JENNiFER

    True, this magazine does contain pricey items and draw stereotypes, but it also has some worthy info too such as community service and other issues(I haven’t read the magazine yet, but that’s what I heard). Besides, these girls are NYC teens. What would you expect in their magazine? This is the kind of stuff that we are into. They should’t be lashed out at for that. I do congratulate these 2 girls for their hard work, even if daddy helped out a little. There’s no way anyone could possibly accomplish a mag like this completely by themselves. That should also be recognized. The only thing I loathe about this magazine is that some of it’s readers are girls that are over-priveleged and have been taught nothing about values, morals, and responsibility.

    Hey jessica, do you think if I emailed the girls, they would send me a copy too? When does the magazine come out?

  33. JENNiFER

    True, this magazine does contain pricey items and draw stereotypes, but it also has some worthy info too such as community service and other issues(I haven’t read the magazine yet, but that’s what I heard). Besides, these girls are NYC teens. What would you expect in their magazine? This is the kind of stuff that we are into. They should’t be lashed out at for that. I do congratulate these 2 girls for their hard work, even if daddy helped out a little. There’s no way anyone could possibly accomplish a mag like this completely by themselves. That should also be recognized. The only thing I loathe about this magazine is that some of it’s readers are girls that are over-priveleged and have been taught nothing about values, morals, and responsibility.

    Hey jessica, do you think if I emailed the girls, they would send me a copy too? When does the magazine come out?

  34. JESSiCA

    Okay, so if you’re a NYC teen you must be into pricey clothing? What the hell is that? As a NYC teen i can assure you that more of us cant even afford a real Coach bag (Thank-You Canal St.) so forget about whole wardrobes full of Juicy and whatever else these prep school kids wear when they arent in uniforms. Even though i really enjoyed the magazine, the sterotypes we are falling into are just insane.

  35. Sarah C.

    the bottom line is, these stereotypes and the magazine are not related. the girls said in many interviews that they thought some of the content in the first issue was not how they want to portray ny teens, but as they were just starting out, they accepted whatever people submitted (keep in mind, anyone can send in whatever they want). if anyone has seen the next issue, you will notice these topics do not even come up (except for one fashion section, which, i think is appropriate because many teens, ny or not, are interested in reading about fashion. the third issue, which if i am right, comes out in this month, i hear has an even broader topic range. why waste your time talking about the negatives of something that two people clearly worked very hard on. it wasn’t perfect the first time, but they worked hard to make it even better, and that should be applauded.

  36. Sarah C.

    the bottom line is, these stereotypes and the magazine are not related. the girls said in many interviews that they thought some of the content in the first issue was not how they want to portray ny teens, but as they were just starting out, they accepted whatever people submitted (keep in mind, anyone can send in whatever they want). if anyone has seen the next issue, you will notice these topics do not even come up (except for one fashion section, which, i think is appropriate because many teens, ny or not, are interested in reading about fashion. the third issue, which if i am right, comes out in this month, i hear has an even broader topic range. why waste your time talking about the negatives of something that two people clearly worked very hard on. it wasn’t perfect the first time, but they worked hard to make it even better, and that should be applauded.

  37. Anne

    Don’t bash teenagers just because they’re more affluent then you are! Those girls worked very hard to put something together for our community. Why would you feel the need to crtisize young women? It is deteriorating to know that women can be so petty and crude. You should congratulate these girls for following through instead of judging them and their lifestyles. As an adult, set the example!

  38. Sam Z

    i think all of you are clowns…instead of being so jelous of these girls who did something creative and inteligent, while in term making money, why dont all you haters try to do something cool also. honestly, most of these past comments are pethetic. I more than know the founders and creators, and I can tell you that everyone dissing them, are pathetic, especially the writer of this article. Honestly, youre just jelous that your not young and beautiful with a new magazine that everyone is talking about. ha, you make me laugh, and whoever your daughter have no right, JESS, hahaha, i laugh at you. dont diss something that you have no idea about. the reality is, stupid little jappy new york city people like reading about and buying nice stuff. …stop being so jelous, yourr honestly all pathetic.

  39. JESSiCA

    we’re the “clowns”?this is coming from a girl who uses vocabulary like “dissing” and “haters”.funny.i guess we get to laugh at you too.oh, by the way, it’s pAthetic & jeAlous, not pEthetic & jelous.

  40. Candace

    Lets just put this to rest now. These girl achieved something phenomenal at a very young age. They are successful. People write about them. People talk about them. Who the hell are you? Nobody even knows who you are. You will never accomplish what they did. Sad.

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  42. Dog
