Ken Price at the MET

Our friends Mother, who is our friend too, has been collecting Ken Price for years.  I believe she started collecting his work in the 1970's.  She was friends with him too.  She happens to be one of the most incredible people I have ever come across.  She has incredible taste, she is absolutely charming and smart, has a huge heart and has been in the art world collecting (and dealing) for years. 

Kenprice room1
We were invited to the opening of the Ken Price retrospective at the MET this past week, 1959-2012.  This is a traveling show.  The first stop was at LACMA and unfortunately we could not make it.   The work speaks for itself.  Unique pieces of sculpture that he created throughout his life.  He spent most of his career between Los Angeles and Taos.  When he was diagnosed with cancer he moved to Taos to work before he lost his battle to cancer. 

Some of the large pieces were what he had started to make in the end. 

Kenprice room
Frank Gehry was a dear friend of his and designed the square boxes for the exhibit that some of the work sits in.

This particular piece is from our friends collection.  It represents Frank Lloyd Wrights Falling RIver home. 

It is an exhibit work going to see.  His work is beautiful.  He was obviously prolific as the paintings that are part of the installation are worth seeing too.  The work is mostly out of personal collections so the chance of seeing this assortment of over 65 pieces could be a one time event.