
imgres-1Linked-in is brilliant.  You can keep your online resume up for the world to see.  You can link with new people and old people.  It is a smart business tool and my guess is it will get even better for different stages of people’s lives from college to volunteerism to retirement.  I would guess that the majority of people who read this blog have a Linked-in profile.

Facebook is a different model that is skewed towards your social life.  I understand them both and they are no doubt the foundation of our times.

Here is the thing.  I have a Facebook page but I never use it.  I have one to so I can see how companies we are involved with use the platform.  I have a Linked-in account for basically the same reasons.  I pretty much let anyone be my friend or connect to me.  As long as it does not flood my email box it is fine.  It doesn’t because I have set it up this way.

If you want to talk to me or reach out to me then email me.  I do not want to answer requests from Linked-in.  I am pretty public because I blog daily.  My email is on my site.  I answer those requests.  Once in a blue moon I will answer a Linked-in request but rarely.  I have taken to ignoring them.  If you really want to get in from of my eyeballs then email me directly.   Otherwise, you won’t be getting a response.   And one more thing…I love Twitter but sending me a direct message with a request won’t get a response either.

Comments (Archived):

  1. William Mougayar

    Ditto for me, except that I would notice Twitter messages, but I end-up suggesting they email me if it’s serious.LI has that undertone of formality that is becoming less common nowadays. Their notification process and the way they force you to reply via their platform causes a lot of unwanted friction.That said, I have recently chosen to open up my Facebook friending (both ways), and that has been a wonderful thing for networking and meeting new people who message me on FB Messenger, and I like the spontaneity of these interactions. Again, anything serious will end-up being re-directed to Email for processing.

    1. daryn

      Agree with William on Twitter DMs – since only people who I follow can send them to me, I pay attention. Pretty much a text message from someone who doesn’t have my phone #.Best part of LinkedIn for me is knowing how I’m connected to people if I ever want an intro or to get some backchannel info, especially when I share a lot of connections with someone I’m interested in.

      1. Gotham Gal

        agree. most of the time in twitter i just star it to let them know i have seen that i have read it.

        1. John Fazzolari

          Haha cool how you say “I star it” instead of favoriting. There is a new social media word that sprouts up every few months these days.It’s interesting how so many people get excited over Linkedin connections. For me the platform is most useful when I keep my connects to the folks I actually have a good relationship with so I can seek out intros when needed. Not a big fan of connecting with every single person I meet these days.

      2. Gotham Gal

        agree. most of the time in twitter i just star it to let them know i have seen that i have read it.[image: Disqus] <http:””/> Settings <http:”” dashboard=”” #notifications=””> <http:”” dashboard=””/>A new comment was posted on Gotham Gal <http:”” url?impression=”929e6510-2ada-11e4-b6c1-002590f38886&amp;forum=30522&amp;thread=2952152386&amp;;variant=control&amp;experiment=default&amp;behavior=click&amp;post=1555868314&amp;;event=email”> —————————— <http:”” url?impression=”929e6510-2ada-11e4-b6c1-002590f38886&amp;forum=30522&amp;thread=2952152386&amp;;variant=control&amp;experiment=default&amp;behavior=click&amp;post=1555868314&amp;;event=email”> *daryn* <http:”” url?impression=”929e6510-2ada-11e4-b6c1-002590f38886&amp;forum=30522&amp;thread=2952152386&amp;;variant=control&amp;experiment=default&amp;behavior=click&amp;post=1555868314&amp;;event=email”> Agree with William on Twitter DMs – since only people who I follow can send them to me, I pay attention. Pretty much a text message from someone who doesn’t have my phone #.Best part of LinkedIn for me is knowing how I’m connected to people if I ever want an intro or to get some backchannel info, especially when I share a lot of connections with someone I’m interested in.11:31 a.m., Saturday Aug. 23* Reply to daryn * <http:”” url?impression=”929e6510-2ada-11e4-b6c1-002590f38886&amp;forum=30522&amp;thread=2952152386&amp;;variant=control&amp;experiment=default&amp;behavior=click&amp;post=1555868314&amp;;event=email”> Moderate this comment by emailEmail address: *[email protected]* <[email protected]> | IP address: to this email with “Delete”, “Approve”, or “Spam”, or moderate from the *Disqus moderation panel* <https:”” admin=”” moderate=””/>.daryn’s comment is in reply to *William Mougayar* <http:”” url?impression=”929e6510-2ada-11e4-b6c1-002590f38886&amp;forum=30522&amp;thread=2952152386&amp;;variant=control&amp;experiment=default&amp;behavior=click&amp;post=1555679165&amp;;event=email”>: <http:”” url?impression=”929e6510-2ada-11e4-b6c1-002590f38886&amp;forum=30522&amp;thread=2952152386&amp;;variant=control&amp;experiment=default&amp;behavior=click&amp;post=1555679165&amp;;event=email”> Ditto for me, except that I would notice Twitter messages, but I end-up suggesting they email me if it’s serious.LI has that undertone …Read more <http:”” url?impression=”929e6510-2ada-11e4-b6c1-002590f38886&amp;forum=30522&amp;thread=2952152386&amp;;variant=control&amp;experiment=default&amp;behavior=click&amp;post=1555868314&amp;;event=email”> ——————————You’re receiving this message because you’re signed up to receive notifications about activity on threads authored by gothamgal.You can unsubscribe <http:”” account=”” #notifications=””> from emails about activity on threads authored by gothamgal by replying to this email with “unsubscribe” or reduce the rate with which these emails are sent by adjusting your notification settings <http:”” dashboard=”” #notifications=””>.[image: Disqus] <http:”” dashboard=””/>

  2. Rohan


  3. Mario Cantin

    Joanne, I’m taking you up on the offer, I’ve sent you a request to connect on LinkedIn, I would like that very much, although I know better than to contact you there.It is understandable that you would want only one channel of communication. When I first contacted you last February to interview you by email, I was pleasantly surprised that you would reply at all! You are one of only two individuals I’m personally aware of who keep such an open line of communication (the other is Brad Feld), and it is fantastic, thank you.

  4. pointsnfigures

    LinkedIN is fine. I dislike some of the UX. Particularly the mail. Feeling spammy to me.

  5. awaldstein

    Each network has its own gestalt.Facebook is super powerful for me. The entire global wine industry in on there and Instagram and that is it’s primary use to me.Linked serves almost no purpose in my world.Email is the linchpin of my communications as well.