
I love buying handbags. They always look good. An old friend once told me that you can always tell a well dressed woman by her accessories.

Finding the perfect handbag is a mission. I have purchased hangbags that are too heavy, or bags where everything falls to the bottom and you can’t find it, or bags that don’t hold up. This fall, I was on the mission to find that perfect bag.

Check out Henri Bendel on their mezzanine above the cosmetic department. The entire floor is dedicated to handbags. The selection is really wide, different and fun. The area that I chose is the area where you can make your own bag. There are literally about 7-8 different bodies to choose from. They also have a variety of fabrications for the outside and inside of your bag. Different straps. Different hardware. Different insides can be picked. For instance, you might just want a zip pocket, or a zip pocket and a pocket to store your phone and another one for your blackberry. You choose. It takes 30 days once you order. They are all $300. I thought the concept was very smart. You can individualize your handbag to fit your needs and your style.

I have already picked out my fabric for spring…