Kids Birthday Parties
Kids birthday parties is a big subject. Everyone wants a great party, especially the kid. People remember their birthday parties. Every year is another milestone until you get to be around 24. After that, only the big one’s like 30, 35, 40, 50, etc.
All of our kids are born within 6 weeks of each other. Every year we spend the entire winter focusing on the next big event. As our kids have gone off to sleepaway camp during the summer, that makes for an extra party. So, there is a party for their school friends and a party with the camp friends. Next year, we will have a combination of 6 parties. Yikes.
Our oldest is having a bat mitzvah this year, so her party is taken care of – in a big way. Our youngest, hasn’t gone off to sleepaway camp yet, so we had the big party with 8 boys sleeping over after a high stress evening at Laser Park. Our middle, is on her second party this weekend.
These parties always involve sleepovers. I like what she did this year. Last weekend, 6 girls from camp, spent the night. When they arrived, we walked up to Sephora for a little beauty action. Each girl got made up. They looked so cute. They also got $30 to spend (from me) to buy something for themselves. It is a true math experience. Must have some educational value – right? Then, we came back home for pizza and caesar salad. The girls watched a movie and made huge sundaes for dessert. They stayed up until around 2:30ish. Great time.
This week, the school group is coming. Tonight we are going out for chinese food, then to Magnolia for cupcakes, movies at home and a rocking sleepover.
I am exhausted. I was talking to my friend about adult birthday parties. I think next year, I might get all my girl friends together for wine, cheese, pedicures and manicures. A real fun 8 year old party. Maybe we could all have a sleepover at the Four Seasons.