The Killers
We truly kicked off the summer on Saturday night. Not only was the weather spectacular, finally, we went to see our first Summerstage concert in Central Park.
The Killers rocked. The place was packed to the gills. Since they only have one album, you knew every song. Although they did play a few new songs which sounded good. One of the lines from one of the new songs was "I like indie rock and roll". That would be me. Maybe I should have t-shirts made up with that line and sell them over the web.
The best picture of the night was the group of people sitting outside the closed in area. There were mobs of people on picnics which is always really nice. But, the funniest was that people were 5 deep next to the wired fence keeping them from the street/bicycle path. It wasn’t like they could see anything or hear any better but seeing people pushing against each other when there was nothing to see struck me as pretty funny.
These guys are great in concert. Between the people we were with, the weather, and the music we really couldn’t have been in a better place on a Saturday night in NYC.