Best Music of 2005
Music comes and goes in our house like water. Today I asked the kids what did they think the best CD’s of 2005 were? We were basically in sync. The list is longer than I thought it would be, but here we go.
Death Cab for Cutie, Plans. The ultimate alternative band. Love their sound and past albums.
Nada Surf, Weight If A Gift. Good follow up to their last album. Mellow, good sound.
Coldplay, X & Y It wasn’t their best but it was still really good. A bit over produced but it’s Coldplay.
Josh Rouse, Nashville Love his sound. I can not get enough of this CD. It has been on the top for at least the last 6 months.
Rogue Wave, Descended Like Vultures Love the dark sound.
Portastatic One of my favorites of the year. Great sound. Upbeat, smart, clever.
Goldspot, Tally of the Yes Men Classic. I listen to this over and over and over again. Top CD
The Shout Out Louds, Howl Howl Gaff Gaff Happy, fun and also with a great edge. Love this CD!
Jack Johnson, In Between Dreams Good surfer, beach music.
Mike Doughty, Haughty Melodic Huge fan. Love his voice. Different sound. Catchy.
M Ward, Transistor Radio Scratchy voice with great instruments. Another winner.
The Eels, Blinking Lights and Other Revelations Nothing else sounds like the Eels. One of the most interesting, musical concerts I have seen in years.
The Shore, The Shore This was on heavy rotation when it first came out. Melodic rock.
The Decemberists, Picaresque Clever song writing. Listened to over and over and over.
The Magic Numbers Catchy, clever, great sound
Spoon, Gimme Fiction Good guitar, good sound. Another winner
Bright Eyes, I’m Wide Awake, It’s Morning Listened to Oberst for years. Talented. Bob Dylan of our generation? Great album
Ben Lee, Awake is the New Sleep Love Ben Lee. I have listened to him since his first album. Pop music at it’s best.
Crooked Fingers, Dignity and Shame Dark, intense sound. Good songs.
There were others that we considered like U2 but the CD’s above, although there are plenty, we got our fill of them all. Fantastic music. Highly recommended. Enjoy!!