
I find it hard not to be disgusted with politics these days.  This administration is a bunch of lying scumbags who are leading us on a path of destruction.  The Democrats are no better.  I know that they are not the majority and majority rules but they cow tow to anything and have yet to figure out how to have a clear message.  The politics as usual is becoming unattractive.

I loved the post that Mark Pincus wrote on Warner, who is running for President in 2008.  Mark is right on the money and I hope someone out there is listening. Read what Mark has to say.  To give you a taste of his rant.  Here is the gist of the article below straight from the post.

How cool would it be to see a fuck washington campaign funded by a small group of billionaires and millions of ants?! Hell yes. Politics could get fun.

And mark, what do you have to lose? Let’s see, you can go the safe pussy route and be the next kerry backup in case hillary trips. Even then your just an alternative to condie or whichever lame republican stick figure.

OR you could emerge as a leader with passion (like al gore became after he gave up). You could stop being so fucking polite and point your brains and money against washington to give the power to the people. If not now, when? After you’re elected? Nfw.

I love it! 

Comments (Archived):

  1. Kevin Walsh

    >>>This administration is a bunch of lying scumbags who are leading us on a path of destruction. <<< >>>>OR you could emerge as a leader with passion (like al gore became after he gave up). You could stop being so fucking polite and point your brains and money against washington to give the power to the people. <<< Democrats will never be elected to the White House again if they wage hate campaigns. Consider what happened when the RNC came to NY in 2004. Protestors came to their hotels and spat on them. A great way to make them see it your way. Of course, the radical left is not out to convince, they are out to overthrow. You might get a Chavez that way. And dissenters will then be in much worse shape than they were in 2004. Killed as opposed to put in custody. I never favored going into Iraq. Cheney figured we would be accepted with open arms when we took out Saddam. But I knew better: I knew we would be reviled and spat on; that part of the world is not tolerant of our way of life, and probably never will be. I favor immediate withdrawal from Iraq. But not for the same reasons as the left. We should get out because they don't deserve our help.

  2. jackson

    I’m certainly behind a ‘Fuck Washington’ campaign.

    I favor the ‘Etch-a-Sketch’ approach – shake it all up and start over!