At this time of the year, there aren’t a lot of new movies making their way into the theater. As a movie going family, we have been stumped on what to see. We ended up seeing 2 movies this past weekend which were pretty good.
The first one was Lucky Slevin. I had read a lot of the pre-hype in all the magazines about Lucy Lui and Josh Hartnett. Emily, Jessica and I went to see it. Josh and Fred went to see Ice Age 2. They said Ice Age was ok but definitely sent out a good message about global warming to young kids. Lucky Slevin was actually quite good. A real twist and turn movie. Great actors. Clever. Incredibly gory and some explicit sex scenes. This movie actually should be rated R. At the beginning I wasn’t so sure but I had my popcorn so I stayed with it. In the end, we really liked it.
As a family we went to see The Inside Man. I have seen the majority of Spike Lee movies over the years. Some have been great and others have been awful. The Inside Man is pretty good. Much more big Hollywood than his films of past. It will be interesting to see what direction he goes after making this film. The acting is really good. There are a variety of funny lines relating to NYC and the daily life here which I thought were clever. The story makes for a good movie. Again, twists and turns. This was rated R. Only one scene where there is a shooting but otherwise no sex and no other true violence. You have to be able to follow the story.
Josh really liked it and he is 10 but again he sees a lot of films that most 10 year olds probably shouldn’t see. He likes the thought process but doesn’t really dig the violence and I dont’ think he needs to see the sex so we try to flush out the R rated films before he sees them. He watched One Flew Over the Cuckcoo’s Nest the past weekend and loved it. You forget how fantastic Jack is.
Comments (Archived):
We enjoyed Inside Man too. But the movie doesn’t really make it as a great film. The plot didn’t pull together at the end the way you would like. The best thing about Spike Lee’s movies is the realistic dialog… characters seem like real people. So his movies work on a micro level, but not really so much at a macro level.