Ned Lamont

When a moderate middle-of-the-road state like Connecticut sends a message to the politici09lamont337ans in Washington, like they did yesterday, it might be time for the Democrats to wake up.

Ned Lamont deserves a huge round of applause from the Democratic party.  Each Senator should be on the horn wishing him a big congratulations.  Shame on Lieberman for attempting to divide the party even more by not giving Ned the nod and going on the road as an Independent so the voters of Connecticut can put a Republican Senator in office. 

Americans are looking for leadership.  They are sick of the war.  Our young men and women are dying for what?  We have set a ball in motion in the middle east that has created havoc.  Israel is now at war with Lebanon.  Terrorists have set up shop in the poor uneducated communities of Lebanon that are funded by Syria.  For what? 

Thomas Friedman wrote a brilliant editorial in the NYTimes today that defines one of the major problems in the Middle East.  Israeli’s are interested in creating a healthy economy whereas the Lebanese can look forward to what?  Where are their schools, their economy, their hospitals?  Iraq is in the midst of a civil war.  Innocent people are getting killed everyday by a war funded by the rich oil barons of the Middle East.  What happens when the oil runs out?

George Bush took our country into a war that was perpetrated by lies.  He didn’t even attempt any diplomatic resolutions.  Our US Senators gave this man the okay to do.  If I knew this was insane, how come they didn’t?  Because it is politics as usual. 

Our country is no longer looked at from overseas citizens as a wonderful nation.  They are disgusted with what we have done. Quite frankly, so am I.  How can one party being run by one man create such a mess internally and externally  in only 6 years. 

It is a shame.  The good news is that we are a Democracy.  We have the ability to vote our leaders in office and out of office.  The people of Connecticut have spoken.  Change is needed.  Our nation should be applauding everyone of those people who pulled the handle for Ned Lamont yesterday.  I hope this is only the beginning.  It is time.

Comments (Archived):

  1. Bonny

    Rock on sister!

  2. Middleclass

    I agree with you that we need change in this country, but is Ned Lamont and the new proggressives the solution. It is obvious that the Democratic Party has been hijacked by “Yeppies”. These are the trust-fund baby children of the yuppies. They have never lived a day in their lives in the shoes of average Americans yet they think they are experts at solving social issues. They take all of the nonprofit jobs and end up implementing programs that bear little resemblence to anything the helps working families. I agree Liberman was Republican Light but the Democrats need to focus on the every shrinking middle class to fix the country. Its obvious homes prices and inflation are killing us and no one seems to care. The Yeppies are more concerned with International Development projects and volunteering in Harlem to put on their resume. The Deaniacs and Lamontheads are just as bad.

  3. Kevin Walsh

    Lamont…the politics of surrender.

  4. Hank

    Shame on Lieberman? For sticking to his guns? Try shame on the Democrats for losing a Senator when Lieberman wins. And Connecticut is not a moderate state, but fully ‘blue’ – I know, I live there.