Em’s Poem

Emily had to write a poem for advisory class.  The class consists of 7th and 8th graders and an Advisor.  By reading this poem, it is supposed to give each kid a little insight into the others.  Great project.  I’d like to hear them all but the only one I get to read is Em’s.  I might have to create one myself.   

Where I’m Coming From

I am from bagels, black coffee, and fruit
I am from kugel and brisket
I am from artwork and town houses
I am from a clean house and scary neighbors
I am from alternative rock
I am from watching old movies and from family dinners
I am from cooking and baking

I am from my mom and dad
Jessica and Josh, and my dog, Lucky
I am from my friends
I am from the beach and from traveling
I am from baking chocolate chip cookies, carving pumpkins,
Making gingerbread houses, building snowmen, and apple picking
I am from going to Liberty games and going snowboarding
I am from having fun,
Making the best out of what I have,
And from trying new things
I am from luck, and from happiness

Comments (Archived):

  1. Andy M

    Great poem…..

    It reflects amazing parenting.

    She has received the greatest gift a kid can ever get….

    Thanks for sharing.

  2. Ben Barren

    very kewl

  3. Gail

    It’s beautiful and a tribute to you! Lucky kid…kiss her an extra time for me.