We moved on quickly…
We have settled into our new abode and new hood. I feel more relaxed as each day passes. The big question, people always ask me is, do you miss your last place? Any regrets? So, I put the question to the kids. Do you miss the house ("the house" is how we always referred to it)?
Josh. Josh answered to one friend of ours, "at least I have a roof over my head". Where he got there one, god knows. But to me, he paused, thought about and said, "nope, not a thing. Well, I do miss that shower." You know what, so do I.
Jessica. No, not really but I do miss that shower.
Emily. Not really but I do miss that shower.
Their answers made me laugh. They know a good shower when they take one. But most important, they have learned a really great lesson in life. Moving on is okay. New adventures, new surroundings, new experiences. No anxiety from this group about change. As far as I am concerned, that is a very good thing.