Last night we celebrated the 10th anniversary of MOUSE.  It was truly a momentous occasion.  There are so many things that I love about this organization.   First and foremost they have created opportunities for so many students that they might not have had.  Opportunities to be leaders in their own community by being the "go to" people in their school as the tech squad.  Groups of kids around the city in over 150 schools (HS and MS) are the IT people for their school.   The soft skills they learn are the most important.  How to work in a group, how to lead, how to manage time, etc.  These skills make each and every student take on the world differently from that day on. 

The other thing that is truly remarkable is how far MOUSE has come.  All the dreams and visions we had for MOUSE from the onset have actually come to fruition.  MOUSE is now in 26 countries, 6 states, over 150 schools in NYC (300 next year).  We wanted to be able to create something tangible that could be packed and replicated in any school.  We did that.  MOUSE squad can be used in Middle Schools and High Schools through out the country and quite frankly through out the world. 

It feels good.  Congratulations to MOUSE.  Spread the word.  Very few organizations, non-profit or profit have accomplished what this group has.  Not a big black hole but a growing, profitable, changing the world one kid at a time organization.  Bravo!