Art Auction

LREI, our kids school, has an annual art auction.  It is a great event.  Lots of artists from the community as well as alumnae participate.  It art is quite impressive.  Not only do parents come out to support the event and cover their walls, many people from the art world show up to place bids.

Last night I was working the angle on two pieces.  I kept bidding up the pieces.  Eventually I let one of them go but one particular photo I just couldn’t let pass me by.  I bought a beautiful photo shot by Peter Serling in Florence of Allesandro and Emillio Pucci in 1991. 

Great photo (sorry about the blurry photo) and all the cash goes to a very good cause. 

Comments (Archived):

  1. ellen

    The photograph is wonderful. For someone who loves fashion and also art it is perfect. (I am so happy to see that Pucci has had a real comeback in the last few years. I inherited 3 hankerchief silk tops from the 60’s that still have the price tags on them and I have a string bikini from his later line with Formfit Rogers that I bought and then wore on my honeymoon.) Enjoy the photograph. Great cause, too!