Opening Day
We have moved into baseball season. Josh is on the Orioles this year. I grew up with the Orioles, my brothers favorite team.
The nice thing about baseball season is that on a nice day, you hang out at the field, chat with the community which includes kids from all over the downtown schools – public and private. Really is quite nice. Not so nice when the weather is cold or rainy. I was prepared for day one. I brought a pillow to sit on (the concrete bleachers are most uncomfortable). I also brought along a blanket ( gets cold in the Spring if you aren’t in the sun). Just in case, I also brought along gloves, a scarf and a winter hat. By the end of the game, I was using all of them. Josh was taken back by the pillow, but all the adults were thinking what a good idea.
The only tough thing about the season is each game is 3 hours and there are 2 a weekend. Takes up quite a lot of time. Josh is loving it so we go and cheer him on. The games take place at JJ Walker Park on the corner of Hudson and Clarkson. One of my favorite things about that corner is watching the people walk by the park and stop. When the weather is good, there is sometimes anywhere from 10-20 people peering through the gates to watch the game. It is pretty cool.
Opening Day was today and we tied. No losers and no winners. Hoping we have a good season.