More gushing…Emily gets a byline too.
Emily gets a byline too. I love it!
In times like these, designer diffusion lines for stores such
as Macy's, JCPenny, and Target are more popular than ever. Last night
brought the launch of yet another: Rachel Rachel Roy for Macy's.
An airy space in Midtown was lined with RRR merchandise, with racks of
brightly-colored trench coats, jumpers, and shorts (all $59-299) on the
left and shelves of leather and suede shoes ($79-$199) and bags
($69-109) in browns and blacks, mustard yellow, and fuschia on the
right. Designer Rachel Roy was there working the crowd in an
oversize sweater, trousers, and white crocodile-print heels; model/DJ
Alexandra Richards played pop music from the likes of Amy Winehouse
while partygoers snacked on mini burgers and french fries. We spotted
several in the crowd already wearing the line.
We're happy to report that the clothing appears to be good quality,
and is very, very trendy (perhaps too trendy for Rachel's regular
"ladies that lunch" clientele). Studs, zippers, velvet, ruffles, plaid,
cropped shirts, and even overalls all make an appearance. Prepare to
navigate through your local Macy's to find the line when it debuts in
early fall.—Emily Wilson
Comments (Archived):
a byline for such a well-read blog is impressive for someone so young. plus, her writing is excellent! if she ever wants to do a short guest post on something travel + fashion related, let me know.