
I love popcorn.  I used to make it at home all the time.  Certain movie theaters have better popcorn than others.  Most indie theaters have really great popcorn.  If it is bad popcorn, I won't eat it.  We even have a Whirlypop which is really worth having if you are into popcorn. 

I have been off the popcorn grid for a while but the rain has been coming down for 2 days and movies are the entertainment, at home.  Popcorn is essential. 

Foodzie sent me some popcorn earlier in the summer and we got the opportunity to check out the wares yesterday.  We tried our Ryder's Red from Boulder Colorado.  Boulder sells a variety of different kernels but we had Ryders Red in the closet. 

Light, crispy and has a soft of blue/red hue.  A little bit of salt and we were good to go.  Honestly, just as making good food has to do with the ingredients, no different for popcorn.  Good kernels make a good bowl of popcorn.