Eat Your Feelings, Recipes for Self-Loathing
Eat Your Feelings, Recipes for Self-Loathing was sent to me last week. I know, I should immediately disclose that information in my taxes now.
Anyway, as cookbooks go, this is probably not something I'd pull out for some inspiration but the writing is hilarious. This is not the type of recipes you will necessarily find doing a search on the web for pork chops, per se.
The writer, Heather Whaley, is a comedian and she has a blog (only since February 2009). Each recipe has an edge of what you should make when something happens. For instance the first recipe is Hamburger Casserole for When Nobody Loves You and Never Will. Continue on to He Only Married you for His Green Card Chicken Salad, Twenty-Nine and Still Can't Pay your Rent Veggie Sandwich, Cinnamon-Spiced Apple Fritter for When Your Husband Ran off with the Babysitter. Then each recipe, which are simple and seem quite easy to make are laced with some color commentary based on the name of the recipe. Some are laugh out loud hilarious.
This would be a great gift for the right person. Perhaps this is one of the ways cookbooks will actually sell in the new "print is dead" world.