Gift Show
I did the Gift Show this week. I went with someone so it was fun to look at the show with a completely new set of eyes. We both actually came to the exact same conclusion.
The place was empty. Years past, you can barely move going up and down the aisles. The other thing is that there wasn't anything new and different. Everything looked tired. It has been a few days and I have heard that consistently from everyone that I know who went.
The only booth that had a lot of new and interesting stuff was Jonathan Adler. He has really created quite a brand. Impressive.
I have been a trooper in years past where I walked everything. It didn't take long for us to cess out the situation. We came, we looked and we left.
Nobody is going to be buying new goodies when they look like purchases of yesteryear.
Comments (Archived):
wow, I was just discussing that show with a gift store owner in London. In 07 it was one of most interesting gift show’s I’d ever seen. Change is rife absolutely everywhere! it’s so great that we can get feedback these days, regardless of our location. Thank you!
Are you talking about the same gift show that is in Boston in March and then in September? If it is, then I am not surprised. I stopped going years ago. Now the only reason to go is to say hello to old friends.
Why do you think that it is the same old thing?
Talking about shows did you go to The Winter Antiques’ Show?
I have never done the Antique Show. Worth it?I had not been to the gift show in about 5 years. Utterly depressing.
I first attended the boston gift show in 1976. At that time all the really good companies showed in Boston. Reed and Barton, Fritz and Floyd, Waterford etc. As these companies started to use overseas Asian and Iindian factories to manufacture their wares and the quality went way down. At the same time most of these companies stopped showing in Boston. If you wanted to see stuff you had to go to New York. Now the gift show is awful. It looks more like a bazaar from Istanbul. There are a few small interesting companies but mostly everything looks like giftware from the shelves of T.J. Maxx and Marshalls here in Boston.For awhile the Rosen Group showed handmade goods in boston. It was great. Handmade glassware, ceramics ,jewelry, wooded ware and textiles. I loved that show but it did not do well in Boston. Everything had to be hand made from the artist who bought the booth. You have to travel to Philly for that one now.
In essence, the good stuff is only seen in the show rooms. Unfortunate.The shows are expensive for the companies and buyers. Yet it is a bonusthat the vendors all group in on area to make it easier. Alas.