Memorial Day Weekend
This is a photo capture of life at the beach for a weekend (with 8 – 12 dinner guests). Weekends out here consist of food, beach, read, pool and the attempt to chill. Obviously chilling would be more available with less children but I'm thrilled they chose our home for hanging. I'm feeling relaxed and exhausted at the same time.
Friday night not everybody had arrived yet. I hit up the grocery stores first to fill up the refrigerator. Beer chicken on the BBQ.
Saturday we stopped in town for a case of white wine. They were giving tastes of a sipping tequila called Casa Dragones. At $250 a bottle, I was just interested in the taste. Delicious to have a small glass in the middle of the afternoon to get comfortably numb. They only make 100 bottles a year.
Dinner that night was paella. Not the best picture.
Sunday I got more into the idea of taking pictures to capture the weekend. We ate four watermelons over the course of the weekend.
I drove the boys to Montauk to play putt-putt and stopped by my friends new restaurant. It is in the old Crows Nest spot. Looking forward to trying out the menu.
I got a hat at the art fair in town. The man behind the booth was from Cameroon and made all the hats by hand.
I made 35 bottles of strawberry jam. The strawberries this year are unbelievable.
Ollie and I walked to the beach. There is a field of lavender in someone's yard before the boardwalk.
I did the crossword and kept reading the last of the trilogy from Stieg Larson.
This is one of the things I hate about the beach. Massive laundry.
Dinner was ribs. I put them in the oven at 9AM and on the grill at 630PM.
We also had local asparagus with corn.
Tomatoes with mozzarella and basil ( not the best tomatoes yet )
Had a few vegetarians so I made the strawberry pasta recipe out of New York Magazine this week. Quite good and different.
Everyone seems a bit more relaxed than they were on Friday. It appears that summer is here.