we moved!

Images We did it, we moved. 
The punch list is huge but we are sleeping, eating and functioning in
our new place.  It feels really
good. I am hoping that the one week of insanity has passed and
life will return to normal tomorrow. 

 It has been a very frustrating process to get to this
point.  Of all the projects we have
done over the years, including businesses, this has probably been the most
disruptive and frustrating.  Many
lessons learned along the way although I am hoping that I can share that
knowledge with others because I do hope never to do this again.  At least in the city, our main
residence.  You only learn from
mistakes and my guess is that some of what I learned will be useful in other
areas of my life vs just renovations, moving and building buildings. 

 Many good things have come out of this project.  We are now in business with the person
we relied on heavily to guide us through this disaster.  Without him, god knows where we would
be.  I honestly shiver at the
thought.  I tossed tons of old
stuff that will go under the category, one mans trash is someone else’s
treasure.  I actually ended
up giving away easily 15 boxes of books. 
There was a point where I just saved the ones that I really loved, including
books of exhibits and art we have seen. 
There might be something about the Kindle that made me think about that

I found some items that had been missing.  I pared down our storage situation with
great stuff that kids can have later, like furniture. 

But the best part, after the kids have ribbed me for the
past year plus over not being in yet, was how happy they are here.  Emily called our new home magical.  Josh gave me the nod too.  The best line of all was from him.  He came down for breakfast
Saturday morning and said, “So, what’s the next project?  Come on Mom, you have to open a bakery.”  He obviously knows me and my
projects.  Bakery is not top of the
list but perhaps….one day in the future. 
That goes under the never say never category.   

Comments (Archived):

  1. Yule Heibel

    Congrats on moving – and props on the choice of image, it’s hilarious!

    1. Gotham Gal

      Thanks Yule. Just had out first family meal!

  2. daryn

    Congratulations!We’ve done remodels that I thought were tough; I can’t even imagine building an entire building in new york city! Glad the headaches are over, and hope you’re loving it.

    1. Gotham Gal

      Thanks Daryn. Definitely loving it.

  3. TanyaMonteiro

    Just love the image you chose! Congratulations on the move!All the joy it’s bringing to your family will more than make up for the effort I’m sure.Looking forward to the Bakery! I fly over for the opening,

    1. Gotham Gal

      Will be at your documentary opening first!

  4. Sunchowder

    Congratulations Joanne!! The place sounds fabulous, I can’t wait to hear all about it and would love to see photos. That photo is brilliant….:)

    1. Gotham Gal

      Photos eventually. Thanks.

  5. kirklove

    Congrats Joanne. I’m sure that’s a nice one to check off the list. Enjoy.

    1. Gotham Gal

      Yes…a huge check off the list!!

  6. ellen

    Really fantastic. May only good and great things happen in your new home. It is really was a long haul. I find it interesting how people repurposed old factory space into residential usage in the 60’s and 70’s and now actual buildings are being built to look like loft spaces. I would love to know how you divided up your space. Did you do many levels or just two? The whole thing was a really interesting project.

    1. Gotham Gal

      Conceptually the building was to look loft-like taking from architecture ofpast. The windows are large and square paned reminiscent of 50’s loftbuildings. We left the ceilings raw and finished everything else. Althoughthe ceiling heights are only 9′, it does create a mix of new and old. Ourapartment is a duplex yet there is a set back on the roof because thebuilding is located in an area where there are 2 zoning laws so we havealmost a tiny apartment on top where we have our bedroom and an office.

      1. Yule Heibel

        Two (!) zoning laws? Ugh, that sounds …complicated!I’ve heard that the Upper East Side has some draconian zoning laws regarding height, and also regarding heritage preservation, but didn’t know it’s also very complex in other neighborhoods (eg. your area). Did you have to go before the planning council and/or city hall for RE-zoning on the two counts that applied in your case, or “just” variances? (In either case, I’m sure it was stressful…)It’s interesting… to an outsider, New York looks like this mecca of urbanism, but I get the impression that, on the ground, it’s a patchwork quilt of zoning regulations – some of which date back a hundred years. In the end, everyone gets to stick their oar in and row the ship forward, inch by painful inch…However, if the city’s planners are good, then their requirements for stepping a building back (to allow air, light, views, etc.), can be for the good. Then, if you work with a good architect, you end up with a great building and the city gets a positive addition to the streetscape. But I bet getting to “go” was a huge PITA.Well, I’m sure it was worth it and you’re loving the new digs. Some generations from now, people will write about your building the way they write about famous residences along Fifth Ave. built in the Gilded Age – something to think about! 😉

        1. Gotham Gal

          My guess is all urban areas are a PITA when it comes to code. A maze ofrules, laws and regulations. And yes…I am loving the new digs.

  7. Erin Newkirk

    Congratulations, Joanne! Sounds like you guys are quickly making your house your true home. Enjoy all your hard work.