two winter side dishes

I roasted two cauliflowers after rubbing them down with olive oil, kosher salt and white balsamic vinegar.  Roasted them at 400 for about 45 minutes and then covered the cauliflowers with tin foil and then baked for another 45 minutes.  Put them on the plate and just used a knife to chop them up.  Super simple and so good.

This salad consists of mixed greens, sauteed broccoli rabe tops including leaves, dried cranberries, pan fried pine nuts and grated Australian Parmesan cheese ( you could use any cheese with a good kick ).  Mix together with a little balsamic vinegar and olive oil and of course kosher salt for taste and serve. 

Both totally easy and good.  Served a roasted salmon filet on the side and ginger rice with chopped scallions.  Nice meal. 

Comments (Archived):

  1. rebeccastees

    delicious! i would love this for dinner!

  2. Tereza

    i love cauliflower and never ever make it. you’ve inspired me of the old classic no-meat e.euro recipes my bubby used to make was simply steam a whole cauliflower, and brown breadcrumbs in a pan with butter and then dump it on top of half a cauliflower and it’s dinner. sounds weird but was delish in a comfort-foody way.but now i’m hankering to try roasting. i’m sure has so much more flavor than blah boiling.

    1. Gotham Gal

      so much more flavor than boiling. you could do the same trick as your bubbyon a roasted cauliflower. probably much tastier.

  3. chefbikram

    Yum on the roasted cauliflower–Roasting is a surefire way to get anyone eating their veggies. We even blogged on it: http://www.athleticmindedtr…. I’ve been doing kale, chard, onions, cabbage…anything! Love it.

  4. ellen

    do you have an interesting green bean salad recipe. lately, i have been eating them raw like potato chips. i have become addicted and the Florida crop is not good so they are coming from mexico now.

    1. Gotham Gal

      Sometimes I will just throw the green beans in boiling water for 5 secondsand then rinse with cold water. Then I will toss some oil and vinegar ontop. Really simple. Cut them up and put them in a salad. Also deliciouswith sliced red potatoes and a little pesto. I actually like just eatingthem raw too but prefer them after a quick dip in boiling water.

  5. ellen

    thank you