Between A Rock and a Hot Place, Why Fifty is Not the New Thirty by Tracey Jackson
Life is one degree of separation. Tracey was turned on to my blog from a mutual friend of ours. She commented on a post and we met for coffee. Ends up we share a lot of mutual friends. The good news is that Tracey came into my life and am pretty confident she won't be leaving. After dinner with us and the husbands, it was just meant to be.
In her past career Tracey was a screen writer including making a feature-length documentary called Lucky Ducks. She has serious energy and bravado. Finding herself approaching her fiftieth birthday and realizing that Hollywood wasn't that interested in a 50 year old screenwriter she turned to creating a new business life for herself. After hearing that ridiculous catchphrase "Fifty is the new thirty" too many times she decided to write a book, create a blog and start recording and interviewing other fifty year olds asking them the question…is fifty the new thirty?
The book, Between a Rock and a Hot Place, Why Fifty is not the New Thirty should be read by all women whether you are 30 or 50. It is her story but it is also the story of many women. She brings up many issues that nobody wants to talk about. She confronts those issues head on writing about menopause, sex, colonoscopies, trapped between taking care of our kids and our parents, taking a look at those wrinkles and eyes every morning and even financial stability. She writes incredibly well. Not only do the words just flow there are some serious comedic moments. I found myself lying in bed at night just laughing out loud.
Traceys attitude is fifty is a wake-up call that can be greeted with a plan. Her book is honest and uplifting. It makes you think. I just loved it.
Comments (Archived):
I love the title of this book. It reminds me of my mother who says things like “Sixty is the New Forty.” If someone passes away it is almost inevitable that I hear “But she was so young…she was only 85.” 🙂
we are now young in our minds and hearts forever!
Hear hear!I’m 51. Unlike a lot of women, I tell everyone my age as frequently as possible – because I consider myself a proudly visible member of the most invisible segment of our society: older women. I want to help all of us redefine what society thinks an older woman should look like, talk like, act like, dress like, work like.Tracey’s right. Fifty is not the new thirty – it’s a great new stage of life all of its own. And quite frankly, whatever each of us is contending with in different lifestage scenarios, life just gets better the older you get 🙂
definitely gets better just more complicated
I saw her on the Today Show this morning and didn’t get the impression the book was for women only. Is it?
Absolutely not. It is slanted towards women but anyone would get somethingout of it
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just read it! Brilliant book, learnt and laughed more than I expected. sharing my blog post on it http://www.survivingorthriv…