Les Fines Gueules…and a carnival

Fred and I met our friends for dinner last night.  They are staying here for a month.  The boys were on their own and went to a place for tacos that Emily highly recommended.  We went to Les Fines Gueules, a restaurant that we were going to try out last time we were in Paris.  So glad we finally got there.

Before dinner, we met Emily at Bar Hemingway.  Ridiculously over-priced drinks in a very cool setting but honestly so glad we went.  We had the Serendipity.  Delicious start to the evening. 

Avacavo crab
The menu is the perfect size with many options.  Well priced too.  This is the avacado with crab meat.  I love the presentation. 

Tomatoes cheese
Sliced heirloom tomatoes with olive oil.

Burratta proscui
Soft burrato with pieces of prosciutto.  Each of these were delicious and we literally wiped our plates clean.

Monkfish and mushroms
For our main courses we all got something different.  This is a roasted monk fish with mushrooms.

Lotts with vegetables
Lotte with the vegetables of the season.

Pork with white beans
Braised pork with white beans.  This was unbelievable.  The taste was amazing.

I opted for the steak tartare.  It was amazing.  Thin sliced pieces of steak with a light dressing with perfectly cooked yukon gold potatoes and a nice salad of fresh greens. 

For dessert we split everything.  A cheese platter.

Paris Brest ( a classic parisian dish ) piped with a hazelnut/chocolate cream

Dessert four times
A mixture of orange cake, chocolate saute, espresso and creme brulle

After we left, we met Josh and Max at the circus that is set up inside the Tuilleries.  It was a blast. 

Fred and Max took a spin on the bumper cars.

Guns josh and max
Josh and Max took their try at shooting down a variety of things. 

I even gave it a whirl.

They finally won the tin can came and came home with a prize.

All and all, another great day in Paris.


Comments (Archived):

  1. CCjudy

    Do you follow david lebovitz? He was Alice’s pastry chef and lives in Paris

    1. Gotham Gal

      i read him every once in awhile. he’s on my blog role. i believe he wrotea post on this restaurant too.

      1. CCjudy

        why dont you connect with him in Paris? 

        1. Gotham Gal

          ha. never really thought about it. there must be at least one degree ofseparation between the two of us. alas. gives me a reason to return.leaving tmrw for berlin.

  2. Alexander Ainslie (@AAinslie)

    You’ve got me thinking Tacos! What’s the name of the place Emily recommends? I’d like to go there this week. 🙂

    1. Gotham Gal

      Rice and Beans. Josh did not give it as big of a thumbs up as Emily did.

      1. Alexander Ainslie (@AAinslie)

        If it wasn’t you, I’d think you were pulling my leg with that name. Shall check it out this week. Thx!Here is a pic of a slightly different perspective of Paris which 95% of the Parisians never experience :)https://twitter.com/#!/AAin…

      2. Alexander Ainslie (@AAinslie)

        Btw, Fred & yourself may like L’AOC in St. Germainhttp://www.restoaoc.com/ind…

  3. CJ

    Just got back and was so impressed with Sola 12 Rue de l’Hôtel Colbert- just opened in Dec. 2010 and is a gem (only about 10 small tables).    5 arrondeezz – a two minute walk across the bridge from the Notre Dame.  Japanese/French fusion.  Chef is Japanese-traveled and tasted 25 countries – great story. Love the pics and stories.  The locks on the bridge were so much more filled than 3 weeks ago – did not know the back-story on this!    

    1. Gotham Gal

      I will put Sola on the next list. We have been to a few Japaneserestaurants in Paris and have always been impressed.

  4. ellen

    could you move after that meal?  It looked so delicious.  I would be comatose.

  5. Rodrigo A. Sepulveda Schulz

    great post of a great moment 🙂 I had dinner with your friends the night before ;)glad you liked Paris, and I plead guilty myself to posting pictures of everything I eat / drink on facebook… safe flight !

    1. Gotham Gal

      ah…the friends!

  6. minyi

    the avocado and crabmeat presentation is a verrine – it’s made by layering ingredients in a small glass. I am obsessed about it at the moment! Thank you for posting photos of all these delicious food.

    1. Gotham Gal

      it is so beautiful.