Donors Choose

I am seriously blown away by the overwhelming response and outpouring of donations to Fred and my 50 for 50 challenge for Donors Choose.   We thought it would take about 3 months but we hit the number in less than a month and even went over. There are few communities who could have pulled this off. 

A few things.  A big thank you to everyone who participated.  We will be having a meet-up on November 9th bewteen 6-8 in the USV event space.  The other thing is that what Donors Choose has created, the ability for individuals to give back to teachers across this country who are in need of more money to provide better education for their students from books, cameras, science projects, reading tablets, etc. is incredible.  They have filled a void in the market place that so badly need to be filled. 

In many ways, Donors Choose is a band-aid for the cash strapped Government who is not providing the right amount of capital to schools to fund the curriculum.  It makes all of us feel good to give back and make a difference in education but on the other hand it is crazy that the number one priority in this country isn't education.  To both Fred and I, education is number one.  If everyone could be educated, challenged and pushed to their highest level the benefits for society are endless. 

Bottom line, thank you to everyone and Donors Choose for creating such a unique company that is dedicated to providing a better eduation for everyone. 


Comments (Archived):

  1. David Noël

    Congratulations, this is amazing! Proud and happy to have contributed.Love this: “To both Fred and I, education is number one” 

    1. Gotham Gal

      Probably should say fred and me

      1. David Noël

        Ha, always forget which one is correct.This just popped up on my Dash, related:

  2. Anna Talerico

    Yay! Congrats Joanne. One of my favorite charities—I love to give “donors choose” gift certificates to friends as gifts. Thanks to you and Fred for putting something so ambitious together. 

    1. Gotham Gal

      Lets thank Charles Best who is the visionary behind DonorsChoose

  3. Rohan

    Congratulations Joanne! 🙂

  4. kirklove

    Congrats Joanne. Awesome job. 

  5. daryn

    Congratulations – I’m a huge Donors Choose fan and glad I could somehow give something back to the two of you after everything I’ve gained from your blogs and knowing you over the years. I share your belief that education is the most important priority for civilization. TeachStreet is organizing a Startup Weekend event in Seattle next month, exclusively focused around education, to see what a room of smart and creative people can brainstorm and build to help. There’s no magic bullet, but I’m excited to see what we come up with.…

  6. rich caccappolo

    thanks for giving us exposure to and the opportunity to support some very worthy causes.

  7. rich caccappolo

    Thanks for giving us exposure to and the opportunity to support some very worthy causes.

  8. Rebecca Stees

    I had a lot of fun participating.  Thank you!Surprisingly, The classroom teacher sent me an e-mail right away last Sunday.She said she felt very encouraged that people cared and it gave her a boost.The teacher also sent an group e-mail to the other contributors as well.  It was also fun to feel connected in a small way to the other people who gave to the same class.I talked to my mother about planning a donorschoose celebration for her 70th birthday.We’re going to look into it over the next couple of weeks.

    1. Gotham Gal

      That is awesome

    2. Gotham Gal

      Let me know if you need help on connecting with someone at DonorsChoose

  9. Mrs. T

    I want to thank you again for putting my project on your giving page.  Your birthday tribute inspired me to make a family project for my students and their very low income families to read together.  I have already made a reading log for them to mark their progress and gains in reading.  I only have $66 to go thanks to all your supporters.  Beth in Oregon – project Family Reading Time – Lee Conmigo.  Thanks again!

    1. Gotham Gal

      that is great. let’s get that $66 raised!

      1. Mrs. T

        Done this morning – fully funded.  WOW!  Thanks for all your support to make this happen.  Amazing response!  Now on to my part to teach these kids to READ!  Thanks again and I so blessed by your support.

        1. Gotham Gal

          that is so exciting. hope you and your kids have a wonderful school year.

  10. Alison Dinerstein

    Congrats to you and Fred!  So happy to participate. DonorsChoose is certainly unique and will help many causes in the future.