Michelle Vaughan, 100 Tweets at Dumbo Arts Center

My favorite part about Dumbo is this view.  Majestic, grand, beautiful and it makes me smile. 

We went to see Michelle Vaughans exhibit called 100 Tweets at the Dumbo Arts Center.  Super clever.  Michelle follows 450 people on twitter and over the course of the year found a hundred tweets that were just gems.  She letter-pressed them for the exhibit.  Some of them are just funny while others document history.  It is pretty damn amazing what you can say in 140 characters.

We bought four of them.  This one just made me laugh so we got this.

This one says something about twitter.  It is a hard angle to read.  It says Twitter is for confident motherfuckers.  No liking on this web site bitches. #hard  artbystandard, Mon 14 Feb 20:09 via web

I was too short to take a good picture of the other two we bought but here is what they said.  I did it! I'm the mayor of Home Depot!  Bow to me my orange-aproned subjects!  This tweet was by Elly Trickett on Thursday, March 31, 12:50 via Twitter for BlackBerry

The last one we bought is by Jen Bekman.  Being in a nighttime taxi ride down Fifth Ave is one of those things that kicks the "I really really really love NY" into gear.  Monday, March 7th 19:20 via Twitter for iPhone.

What is not so surprising is that many of the pieces Michelle ran with are from some of the people I follow too.  Nice job Michelle…congratulations on a really great artistic idea.  There are still some for sale.  Click here.

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Comments (Archived):

  1. Guest

    Some of these are hilarious!  And it is super clever to sell other people’s tweets for $85.  Genius really.    

    1. Gotham Gal

      totally genius…and timely.

  2. RichardF

    ha brilliant idea.  Fred should tell Jack, maybe there’s an additional revenue source there for Twitter

  3. Emily Merkle

    That is my favorite view too. I take m picturre further to York to get more slope downward and table Pomme banner.