Mouth Foods

Craig Kanarick was major part of the first round of web 1.0 in NYC.  He was the founder of Razorfish and he is an artist too.  So when we connected a few months back to talk about his latest venture with his partner, Sam Murray, I couldn't help but get excited.  Also, Craig said something to me that has truly resonated, he said "food is the new black."  I love it….and he is so right. 

Mouth Foods is currently just doing New York Mouth which is the place to find the best artisinal food products in NY (eventually the country).  An aggregation of a variety of interesting products from maple syrup to cracker to coffee beans to tomato sauces to jams and honeys.  They are not only buying the products for their ecommerce site they are creating relationships with the food makers and trying to help them grow.

I have thought a lot about what the opportunities are here. Sam and Craig are seasoned business men, understand how to build companies on the web, are very creative and they LOVE food. 

The packaging is clever. 

Here is the Snack Mouth Taster.  A wonderful treat…and a great gift for someone. 

Sign up…check it out!


Comments (Archived):

  1. Rohan

    Just saying hello and wanted to say congratulations on Software Academy! 🙂 

  2. Andy Ellis

    Mouth Foods is the kind of company that gets me excited even though I have no idea what it takes to get established in the industry.The back to basics food movement is so appealing in its forthright simplicity. My appreciation for artisan producers and local organic farmers may have been late to blossom despite my mom soundtracking my childhood with Joni Mitchell’s “Big Yellow Taxi” and the like.It’s exciting to see someone cataloging local producers and broadening their market, thanks for sharing what these guys are up to.

    1. Gotham Gal

      agreed. to be able to go to one location that carries local artisinal products from around the country is good for the consumer and even better for the product makers.

  3. Jill

    Joanne, just read the news on and I thank you wholeheartedly for starting a new public high school in nyc with coding being the focus.  looking forward to your post about it. i am going to watch the mayor’s speech from yesterday to find out more about it.

  4. BB

    done and done! Great rec.

  5. awaldstein

    Timely piece.There are a lot of people (and I know one well) who make great interesting edible  products who have passion and vision but need help making the leap to a market. If they are going to help get some of these developed, I’d love a contact point.And Joanne…Mazel Tov on the educational initiative announced yesterday.

  6. Chino Hills Personal Trainer

    Artisinal food products are really good for your health. And as a personal trainer in know there importance and there effectiveness. And as a farmer’s son i know how much hard work do they require.

    1. Gotham Gal

      lots of work…and of course they taste delicious which is the biggest bonus.

  7. cary il weight loss

    I am looking for some saving/coupon codes for there fiber bars that i can use to save some money.Can you please share some good ones that works.

    1. Gotham Gal

      can’t help you there.