Ripe, Nigel Slater, a cook in the orchard
When we move back into our apartment, after the flood, I will be reuniting with my cookbooks. I truly get most of ideas for recipes from either my brain, Food52 and the latest food magazine that landed in my mailbox.
I have stopped buying hard back books, for all intensive purposes, and have moved to Kindle. I do buy art books and always buy the book of any museum exhibit I go to. As for cookbooks, I rarely purchase them and at this point I am down to just a handful a year. Once in awhile there is one that kind of separates from the crowd and right now that would be Ripe, a cook in the orchard by Nigel Slater.
The book is a worthy ready. His writing is beautiful. He describes the beauty of everything grown in the orchard and what can be made with it. The recipes are unique. There are 23 chapters starting with Apples and ending with White Currants ( and a few other good things ). The photos are gorgeous too.
It is actually one of those cookbooks that I might have to carry with me to the beach this summer or just buy an extra. I am actually going to back and buy his first book, Tender, immediately.
Comments (Archived):
Toast is also a great read by Nigel. He writes beautifully and his recipes are great. He truly loves food, which shines through!
I bought the vegetable book already
Do you have Ottolenghi’s Plenty? All vegetarian. All awesome.
Yep. All their books. Schlepped the first one back from London
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