Happy Independence Day
The thing that I have always loved about 4th of July are the fireworks. I can't remember a year as a kid, teenager or an adult that we have not gone to see the fireworks. There is something about the beauty of the lights, the noises, the sighs from the audience that I look forward to every year.
This year, in particular, I am thinking about how lucky I am to be born in this country. There is no doubt that no system or Government is perfect. You can't please everyone all the time but at least you can please most people some of the time. Our Government allows us the opportunity to vote and that combined with the freedom of speech gives all of us the ability to create change. When we make changes they happen for the most part in a peaceful way.
Today we have the ability to watch photos around the globe of suffering, violence, regimes supressing their people, explosive anger with very little opportunity for change, I can't help but think of how lucky I am to have been born in the USA and the opportunities that this country has given me.
Happy Independence Day. It is a privelege to have that independence and this is the one day that was set aside for all of us to take at least a brief moment to realize how the system we live here in the US is pretty damn good.