Questions and Answers
I am going to take today to launch a new feature. Questions and answers. If this works, great. It is doesn’t, that is ok too.
I have said this before but I will say it again, I always answer every email. Many times people just ask me questions which I try to answer.
One of the commentors on this blog ( I do love the comments ) asked me to do a question and answer day so I am going to give it a try. One day a week. Not sure which day yet but it will be consistent. Maybe Fridays. We will see.
There is a new widget on my blog sidebar. That widget allows anyone to ask a question that I can then see. It looks like this:
I will pick one a week to answer. Let’s see how it goes.
Comments (Archived):
So you were Fred’s mystery friend in need of Q&A widget… 🙂
you got it.
Assuming this could be both – Ask a Question….and suggest a topic?I commented over at AVC that there should be a link to suggest a topic
yep. either/or
Great idea. I sent my question.
Thank you! Great idea. I sent the first of my many questions! 🙂
I think it’s pretty fantastic that you are always up for anything and everything.