back to Chicago

I came back to Chicago for a short 3 day jaunt.  Jessica is working on her thesis and decided Chicago was where she needed to go.  Lucky for me I got to tag along.  Today we hit up the museums. 

Museum of photography
Our first stop was at the MOCP, Museum of Contemporary Photography.  The museum has over 11,000 photos in their permanent collection.  They had Jan Tichy curate an exhibit taking some of the favorites from the archives.  An interesting exhibit.  The one thing they did not do is put the names of each of the artists under the photos.  This is when you need the Shazaam app for photography/art. 

Then we headed over to the Art Institute of Chicago.  An amazing place.  We first had lunch at Terzo Piano.  Obviously giving a nod to Renzo Piano who designed the new building.  I recommend that place.  The cafes did not look that appetizing.  We are spoiled in NY museums where some of the top restaurateurs run the cafes and restaurants.  In Europe there is always good cafe food too.  Not sure why it hasn't caught up to the states. 

We shared a celery root apple salad which was pretty good. 

I had a simple arugula steak salad for lunch.

Stopped outside to take a look at the sculptures before going inside again.

Then we began.  We had already seen the Chagall American Windows and Grant Wood's America Gothic so we opted for the Contemporary Art after 1960 rooms.  An incredible collection of work.  We both walked out of there just smiling. 

Decided that was all we needed.  Over to the hotel to check in before dinner.

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Comments (Archived):

  1. pointsnfigures

    Welcome to our town. Here are a couple of restaurant recs for you, The Publican in the West Loop; Antiprima in Andersonville, Merlo on Maple in the Viagra Triangle. Get one hot dog at Portillo’s.

    1. Gotham Gal


      1. CCjudy

        What about the Art Institute? I remember that museum has some great art

        1. Gotham Gal

          we went. amazing

  2. ShanaC

    Is Jessica doing her BA in something photo related? If she is, she should make time to talk to Joel Snyder:http://arthistory.uchicago….Really random academic who actually got his start at the Chicago Albumen Works and shooting at the 1968 riots. Not only is he a really good theorist – he can explain the impact of technology on art because he’s personally preserved a good deal of stuff through Chicago Albumen.