Communitech in Canada
I had the pleasure of speaking to a group of Canandian entrepreneurs last week. Nabil Fahel who is the Director of Business Services for Communitech was nothing but persistent in getting me to one of their events. Communitech is dedicated to helping companies in the tech space grow and succeed. They have an accelerator program, they put on events, they have created a community across their country with the hope that everything they do will help make an impact on the economy.
What I really liked about the talk was the event was well run, everything was on time and the group was not too big. I sat on a table instead of sitting behind it or standing at the podium. It was very intimate. I talked a little bit about my journey. I also spoke about how I see the landscape of investments changing including how every vertical has new companies being built for disruption. I did not speak long because I just opened it up for questions. I really like the question and answer forum. It is more engaging and more than likely the questions asked are ones that other people are really interested in hearing answers for. Personally I find those events more engaging and for me much more comfortable and fun.
I was given one of the nicest gifts for speaking to the group from Nabil. They had all spent time reading my blog before the event and Nabil got me something that could not be more perfect. A huge bottle of Canadian Maple Syrup, a gift card to Eataly and bowl of hummus. Nabil is from Lebanon and his parents had a restaurant for 15 years. His Mom made me a huge bowl of hummus. Honestly the best hummus I have ever had. I think there are tiny rye seeds in there but not sure. I am slowly making my way through the bowl. Incredibly thoughtful.
Comments (Archived):
Communitech is doing a great job for the Kitchener-Waterloo area, definitely. It’s the best run government program that I’ve seen anywhere.We regularly use maple syrup on grilled salmon & on my cereals daily.A good hummos is hard to beat 🙂
Joanne your talk was inspiring – I love how you support and the get the challenges facing women in Tech today! It was awesome to see your portfolio companies all still alive and well. You are my kind of investor….and thanks for reading ALL your emails! You brought out a few gentlemen in the room! Thanks!
Canadians are great, eh! Enjoy the maple syrup. Best with greek yogurt too.
glad to hear you enjoyed your trip to Communitech. The Waterloo region is probably still the premier region for technology innovation in Canada. On an unrelated note, I thought the pando daily article about your activities was very good…