The Stylish Generation

Screen-shot-2012-03-02-at-3-54-19-pm-1Hipster is a word that I'd certainly like to delete from my vocabulary.  With that being said, the generation of young adults who are in their 20's is a truly stylish generation. 

Let's step back into the 50's when change was everywhere.  If you have not read The Fifties by David Halberstam it is worth the read.  McDonalds was launched, hotel chains were built (Holiday Inn), the birth control pill was invented, television matured and the color TV was born, rock and roll emerged, passenger jets started to take off, cars became more stylish and of course fashion reflected the times.

Now let's look at this generation.  All generations are reflections of the times.  The adults that I know in their 20's have an edge when it comes to their own personal style.  They are creating change in the marketplace with the endless stream of start-ups with products that have global reach.  Interesting food products, chic community oriented hotels that are a few steps above a hostel but have an insane sense of style, new clothing companies that use technology to design the fabrics, a slew of new furniture designs, galleries representing young artist, pop-ups, community dining tables, etc. 

Every one of the new consumer products that are coming to market are creative, edgy and appealing to distinct niches in the marketplace.  It is more fun to shop and more interesting to travel.  Even the products in the refrigerator can be a reflection of who you are because of the new products being manufactured. 

I happened to take a stroll through Dover Street Market that just opened in NYC.  The main store is located in London and I have been to the one in Tokyo too.  The one in NYC is very much a reflection of mixing of art, culture, food to create an experience.  The only issue with this particular store is that it takes the combination of those experiences and takes it to such an extreme in such a small space that it is not conducive to actually having any interest in going into a dressing room and trying something on.  Obviously balance is needed.  Also this particular store is super high end so geared towards a small niche of consumers. 

I love the stylish generation.  It is exciting to see the massive change taking place in all brands.  Everything new is certainly not boring.  Each individual seems to be focused on their work life (I think the word career is passe) based on what they are passionate about.  They are all looking to find happiness, community, intellectual stimulation and doing it all with a sense of unique style.  Perhaps this is the long tail effects of the technology revolution. 

Comments (Archived):

  1. awaldstein

    I need to read that book.The Beats and Black Mountain groups also got their start in the 50s.

    1. Gotham Gal

      yes they did.

  2. Brandon Burns

    This is what is all about. People don’t want to associate themselves with big brands. They don’t want to assimilate. Instead, they want items from the local businesses around the corner, and from far away travels. Anything that makes them feel that they’re not apart of the status quo.And this is hardly a “trend.” Its not going anywhere. Some interesting stats from the Small Business Administration:The number of small businesses in the United States has increased 49% since 1982.Since 1990, as big business eliminated 4 million jobs, small businesses added 8 million new jobs.The 23 million small businesses in America account for 54% of all U.S. sales.And while all this is new, its really not. Part of the American Dream has always been to open up your own shop, selling your favorite things. Its just that more and more people are able to realize that dream each day. And as they do, the market for companies like mine that serve them will continue to grow.

    1. Gotham Gal

      No doubt this is the American dream returning.Since 1990, as big business eliminated 4 million jobs, small businesses added 8 million new jobs. That is amazing.

  3. William Mougayar

    That’s very true and exciting as you said. The youth generation is always a motor of energy. They are the real trend setters.

  4. pointsnfigures

    Agree, my kids are part of this generation. But, I was speaking with some researchers from the Atlanta Federal Reserve yesterday. They said in 2007 it’s the first time new business creation dropped off a cliff. Prior to that time, no matter if the economy was boom or bust, new business generation chugged along.