Dove’s Selfies
If you haven't see this you should. Dove put this selfie campaign around body image. It really well done. What I found the most interesting is that many of the young girls felt more comfortable about who they were than their mothers. Perhaps the mothers figured out how to raise the girls they wanted to be.
Comments (Archived):
I love that last insightful sentence.
Yes, I hadn’t thought of it quite like that, Joanne. Lovely insight.
It’s one of my greatest hopes that I be able to instill a daughter with the genuine self confidence around body image, which I lacked. It often feels like even as women gain more power in the world, we have lost almost everything when it comes to the war on our bodies. I have been buying dove products for a number of years specifically with the intention of supporting these campaigns.
I love this video. It is so spot on and I have seen it time and time again. Young girls look up to their mothers as their hero/queen etc and when they see their moms being so critical of themselves, they internalize it. Such a great message. Thanks for reminding me of the video, Joanne.
Powerful video! Men and boys should also watch.
I watched the entire video and found it interesting.That said, well of course this is self serving toward Dove’s marketing goals obviously but getting beyond that I have (as a man) a few observations.Makeup does serve a function in that it adds to symmetry. And in general symmetry does add to a better look for most people. It also supplies contrast as well. That’s why when you are slightly red with a tan you kinda look pretty good! (As opposed to tan by a tanning booth where, in my sole opinion, I don’t like that look). Otoh staying out in the sun ages your skin (I don’t do it at all). So my skin looks really good for my age.Anyway, there is nothing wrong with looking good.You don’t have to not wear makeup to prove some point.Sure some people do look good without makeup.Some people don’t look so good but look pretty good with makeup.Everyone is different. Some guys like the totally made up look (with tons of makeup) and some don’t (I’m one of them) [1]As a female I don’t think you are blessed if you are to attractive and made up. You attract to much attention but more importantly the wrong type of attention. [2]Girls in high school might think that all guys care about is looks and that is probably true. But guess what? What type of guy in high school does a girl care about? It’s probably not David Karp or the guy who goes on to become a surgeon.[3] It’s a popular good looking athletic guy. So this swings both ways. I had a friend in high school who couldn’t get a date with my sister at the time (She was captain of the cheerleaders). He went on to become a top pediatric doctor and married a beautiful southern bell (who he met in college).The moral to me then is not to go to extremes. You don’t need to be all obsessed with makeup and looks but on the other hand perhaps a little makeup isn’t so bad. I don’t know though if there is anyway to take high school kids and make them not operate like high school kids do.[1] I hate all the makeup my wife had on when we got married. Not only that but she used these fake eyelashes which totally weirded me out (they didn’t come off until day 4 of the honeymoon).[2] Suffice to say I am glad that I have two daughters that are attractive but no to attractive.[3] Likewise (as long as we are being honest here) this guy is a chief of breast surgery at Sloan Kettering:…In high school he was totally ignored by women (and he was a really nice guy). Many years ago when I caught up with him after he had gone through a divorce I offered to fix him up (with another doctor). He told me he had more women and dates than he knew what to do with and “no thanks”.Ironically he married this woman, who, at the time was:the senior vice president and manager of BeautyBank, a cosmetics and skin-care division of the Estée Lauder Companies in New York. She graduated from Vassar College and received an M.B.A. from Columbia.…