ITP Thesis’
I love ITP. ITP stands for Interactive Telecommunications Program that is part of the Tisch School of the Arts at NYU. I am seriously honored to work with my co-chair ( and professor) Nancy Hechinger on the Women’s Entrepreneur Festival with ITP. Our next event will be January 2015. ITP is one of the most unique tech communities in NYC. I am thrilled that Jessica is going to be attending ITP this fall.
I was delighted to participate as a judge/voice on the thesis’ this year. What struck me more than anything is the sense of community at ITP. Also the people who attend ITP come from all different walks of life. The two years spent at ITP give each individual an opportunity to take where they have come from be it a photographer, a non-profit director, a scientist or an engineer and many end up back in those paths but with a new set of tools that change the way they think.
I will share the highlights although they were all amazing. Patricia Zablah, Hack it Back. A workshop mentoring program focused on teaching media literacy to teenage girls. The girls combat sexist media by creating their own, new media that “hacks it back” and portrays more accurate representations of women.
Alexandra Diracles, Vid Code. VidCode is a website designed to ignite girls’ interest in computer programming through video art. Users can choose video filters, learn how they are built in JavaScript, edit them within a responsive code editor, and then share their creations.
Greg Dorsainville, Data Face. Is an installation piece that captures the diversity of faces we see when we consume commercial media. Through the process of making, I will examine themes that include bias in algorithms and the nature of diversity.
Lots of interesting conversation and excitement among the group. Really just exciting to see and hear. You can actually go see the thesis at ITP on Monday May 19th between 5-9 and Tuesday May 20th between 4-8. Worth going.