Women’s Entrepreneur Festival 2015

unnamedI honestly can not believe that in January 2015 it will be our 5th Women’s Entrepreneur Festival.  Nancy Hechinger (my co-chair) and I were definitely ahead of the curve here as many other “women’s” festivals started to crop-up a few years after ours began.

In looking back over the last four festivals because you always have to reflect there are a few things that I believe make this event unique.  The panelists are all women and range from the start-up to the ramped up stage.  The audience spans generations from college students to women who are re-entering the workplace as entrepreneurs or have already started their own companies so we are talking about 18-60 years of age.  There is an intimacy to the event and in many ways the panels become interactive with the audience which makes for some really interesting conversation.  What is the most amazing is that we have had some women come to every festival.  I hear from women who found the courage after the event to launch their own business, mentorships have been formed that I randomly find out about which means the event takes a life of its own in the aftermath and there is an energy at this event that just makes me walk on air for a few days in the post.  The other most interesting thing is that the event is primarily women.  This lets all the walls come down and conversations take place that might not necessarily happen in an event that is over-powered by men.

This year Diane Von Furstenberg is our keynote.  The theme this year is about Focus.  The perfect word for entrepreneurs.  Click on the link and apply.  The price is right and the value is huge.

Comments (Archived):

  1. deirdrelord

    I have kept up with a lot of participants from the first, second and third festivals. Great friendships, excellent and supportive working and personal relationships have developed. Anyone who is considering going… think no more. Go. It’s amazing.

    1. Gotham Gal

      thanks for the recco!

  2. anitasvv

    Hoping to attend with some of my fellow entrepreneurs from General Assembly biz course – looking forward!

  3. andysmith

    I am very happy to know that we are moving into entrepreneurship. Wealth may not be the measurement of the kind of person we are but still it adds confidence to us. Business one-on-one coaching with Terrabohlmann will truly help us. The program are designed for woman entrepreneur from beginner to pro.www.terrabohlmann.com