Will this election create a whole new generation of different politicians?

imgresWe keep reading about the impact that this election has made on children.  Anything from children lashing out at others to calling someone out in a racist way.  We hear kids feeling unsettling about the election.  Kids who say that if they bullied someone like Trump has that they would end up in the Principals office.  I have heard it from parents and I have read it in multiple places.  Makes you wonder what the effect this election is having on kids.

Here is what I hope.  This generation of 7th graders who are discussing politics in history class will go on to be wiser, better people who rise up above the fray and hopefully some will go into politics and behave as a politician should.  Honest to the people, more transparency in their Government (as much as you can), willing to work with the other side, putting the people you represent first vs the power that you yield by staying in office. Rethinking how politics should work in this country for generations to come.  Bringing civility back to politics.  Taking a full on down/up look at how money is behind politics from helping people win to favors.  Creating term limits so that the impact is made in doses not wielding power for eternity.  I am not so sure politics should be a life long career when you hold an office.

Enough said.  I am a believer when we get to the bottom of something then change comes.  As a country we are incredibly entrepreneurial and we are always evolving.  I believe in the future of this country and more than anything I believe in the next generations ability to always fix the mistakes of the last.  That is what keeps our country humming.

Comments (Archived):

  1. awaldstein

    I hope so.Is it the politicians (surely part of it) or the deep set divisiveness in the culture? Or both?For those of us who have been watching the middle east–to me of course Israel–and thinking it will surely get better as generations are born that approach this with a fresh perspective, it challenges this idea that generations will simply solve divisiveness.Don’t know.This process this year has been ugly. It’s not letting me move away from it easily.

    1. pointsnfigures

      I will move away from it. Already started. I dislike both and am satisfied voting 3rd party. My supposition that journalists were biased was confirmed. My supposition about the rottenness of the political establishment (both parties) confirmed. No idea how to blow it up but you have to have faith in Americans (on both sides). Don’t watch the election. Watch the Cubs.

      1. awaldstein

        Great line but its not that easy for me this year.

    2. Gotham Gal

      Ugly is an understatement

      1. awaldstein

        lowering the bar has never felt so wrong.

  2. pointsnfigures

    I’d like to see no more career politicians on either side of the aisle.

    1. awaldstein

      how can their be expertise without experience? community without networks? influence without connections?its a job.so sure your sentiment is held by me but this is uncharacteristically wishful of you 😉 like this side of you a great deal my friend!!

      1. pointsnfigures

        Important to know what it’s like to run a business before you tax and regulate it. Bet if they all had been in private industry (not crony private industry but real jobs) before they were elected, taxes, laws, regs would look a lot different. Career pols are blind. I have met a bunch…..the stories I could tell about the crazy ideas they have.

        1. awaldstein

          I guess but can’t parse this into a picture that I can make sense of.People are either pros or amateurs.Amateurs who are smart enough to challenge the status quo are the change agent.But then they are pros.Endless cycle. Don’t see the rationale is anything but not respecting experience in anything including government.

          1. Gotham Gal

            There is certainly a balance. The pros, some of them, are wonderful voices. Others are just about staying in power. Like a teacher who is tenured and doesn’t continue to be creative. How do you change that when 80% of a politicans time is spent raising money to stay in power.

          2. awaldstein

            Well articulated.I don’t have the answers obviously.My point though is that just because it is a mess–and it surely is–i don’t think an amateur solution is any better.

          3. LE

            Might be hard to be creative in politics. For one thing you have to get others (in politics) to agree with your position and your ideas. If they aren’t creative that is a tough job. If you don’t have emotional intelligence even tougher. It’s not all about the great idea. It’s about selling it. My guess is that if it happens it only happens when you have enough years and respect to have someone take your word for what you are saying blindly with less conflict, lacking another motivating factor. Plus you have to be politically correct and run the risk of offending some group or people that might have backed you. Then you get a third rail issue.Politics is the art of deal making and compromise. You scratch my back I will scratch yours. This is why many people who are smart and well educated would fail at politics compared to an uneducated “street” smart person. So it’s not about being a esteemed well educated Harvard professor. The smartest person (whatever that actually means) is not the person who will come out on top. At least “smart” by traditional educational standards.I am reminded of a deal that I made in a group that I was involved in years back. I was inclined to agree with an issue being discussed in a phone conference. However I decided to oppose it. So I could get a favor in return. Later when another group member approached me privately I let him “convince” me and I agreed with “my vote”. Both of us benefited. He felt like he got a victory, I got a return favor when I needed it. Nothing was discussed of course, it was just implied.You also need “sechel”. I was on a condo board and consistently let my neighbor get what he wanted with respect to planting flowers and the bushes even though I didn’t think we needed them and it wasn’t personally important to me and I wasn’t thinking about return favors. Why? Because I figured if he put the time and effort in to make the complex nicer at not cost to us (for the thought and effort) then I would give him a reward. After all, the job is unpaid. So I figured that was the least I could do.[1] Guilty as charged!

  3. Eric Woods

    I hope you’re right. At this point, what frightens me most isn’t what the outcome of the election will be, but rather what will the days/months/years following the election will look like. Frankly, the spectacle that we’ve been witnessing is beneath the office and, given the negative energy that’s been generated during the process, I’m loathe to think of how painful the reconciliation process will be.

    1. Gotham Gal

      The post will certainly be interesting particularly is the Democrats take the house.

  4. Alison Chace

    Hear! Hear!

  5. Donna Brewington White

    Disruption is in the air. Entrepreneurship — and entrepreneurial thinking — are becoming more prevalent. More kids are growing up thinking about starting a business rather than getting a job (at least mine are). This is going to change politics. And a lot of other institutions.As someone for whom the status quo has never been a good friend, I welcome this. But it is messy.

    1. Gotham Gal

      very messy