Catchafire launched in 2009 and I became an investor. The founder, Rachael Chong, understood the importance of large companies providing experiences for their employees that are socially responsible. She got it. The last couple years of graduates I have talked to have all said that they want to make a difference. That is quite broad but what they are all saying is social responsibility is important to them.
Catchafire just launched a brand new site this past week. The new site makes it easier for use and access. CAF works with volunteers, socially good organizations and grantmakers and companies. The concept is simple. It gives people the opportunity to take their daily skills and give back as a volunteer to non-profit companies who need the help of people with those skills.
In the next decade, we are going to see the rise of large companies return. More people will go take jobs in these companies vs being enamored with the rise of the start-up. The importance of Catchafire giving the workforce of socially responsible people the ability to make an impact for others and for themselves is just hitting its stride. She could not have got to where she is now without all the hard work and lessons learned since 2009. Catchafire is now as easy as a click away.