Are all cultures just corrupt?

These days, not a day goes by without reading about everything from corruption to sexual harassment.  It isn’t if history doesn’t show anyone that you generally get caught.  Do people become so powerful in their own mind that they actually believe that they are untouchable?  Where does this come from?  Greed?  Power?

Social media has allowed anyone to call out anyone for anything in a public space.  There are so many sexual harassment stories that are coming out without someone looking behind the covers (no pun intended) that we don’t really know all the facts.  I am sure where there is smoke, there is fire but how much fire although one would argue that fire is fire.

I recently read about a few politicians who took money from places they shouldn’t including favors for the cash.  Did our forefathers see this as a weakness of all people? It is as simple as good vs. evil that comes straight out of the bible?

This is just top of mind these days as I just can’t get over that after all these years, all the history behind us, that people still think that perhaps this time they can get away with being corrupt and more.

Comments (Archived):

  1. awaldstein

    Yup.I say good, bring it on and lets deal with it.Cross the gender issue, cross issues like NRA possibly taking money from Russia to buy connections.Change is essential. It is disheartening yet enlightening at the same time though the depth of bad behavior is astounding.

    1. Gotham Gal


  2. lisa hickey

    I’ve been study this a while and searching for solutions:Here are a few things I see about abusive people:– If they get money, they abuse the system to get power.– If they get power, they abuse the system to get more money.– Serial abusers believe they are above law or the laws don’t apply to them. We see this in addicts also.– There aren’t any stats on how many people are abusive. Imagine that! We’re walking around and we don’t know if it’s 1 in 20 or 1 in 2. We need more data.In the meantime, here’s what we need to do:1) See the abuse — Abuse has become so normalized, we don’t even see it. For years, I didn’t have time to watch TV or movies, and then I went on a “RomCom” kick. I noticed every single movie—every one of the most popular ones—had a fistfight in it. Two guys fighting over a women. Physical violence is abuse. It is so normalized we no longer even realize it is the drumbeat of our culture. Not everyone resorts to physical violence, of course. But it sets up a rationale for other types of abuse.2) Speak up — Once people learn to see abuse, we need to give non-abusers the words to speak up against it. People need safe places to practice. It is great to see the Parkland teens speaking up about gun control precisely because they are role models for the rest of us.But speaking up against abuse *always* has consequences. Because abusers rely on silence to perpetuate abuse and maintain it as part of the status quo. That is why some people choose not to see it. Not seeing abuse is an easy way to avoid the consequences of speaking up.3) Take action — To get to a tipping point — things need to go from individuals to small groups to large groups. So we need each of those groups to see abuse, speak up, and take action towards change. That is why the #MeToo movement and the gun control movement are gaining momentum—they are going from individuals to small groups to large groups. We need to work together to create the change at a systemic level.

    1. Gotham Gal

      Thanks Lisa.

  3. Pointsandfigures

    Definition of corruption:

  4. jason wright

    most socio economic systems are corrupt. culture, i think that’s more nuanced. good people (i like to think that somewhere deep down inside everyone has goodness) driven to do bad things? It’s a theme i see repeated again and again. there are no excuses though. where there’s goodness there’s a moral compass. people just choose to deceive themselves about what they are doing. it catches up with them though. it’s a karma thing.

    1. Gotham Gal

      i agree…it always catches up

  5. Heather Wetzler

    And to add insult to injury, the US top cop is the worst! Sessions. Sessions greenlights police to seize cash, property from people suspected of crimes but not charged. I do not know how anybody thinks this is constitutional https://www.washingtonpost….