Immigration is essential

How did we get to the point where guns are everywhere and immigration is bad. Guns should be off the streets, period. The data is quite strong there and my gut is the NRA is imploding. As for immigration, Axios just posted a study that 45% of immigrant kids founded US Fortune 500 companies. Think about that for a moment. 45%.

Personally, we have been fortunate to have many immigrants work for over the years. Some who have been with us over 20 years. I have watched their kids grow up, heard their stories and tried to help them in anyway I could.

One of them who has a heart of gold and would prefer to speak Spanish to English and has two kids. Her son is at Columbia University getting a degree and her daughter is now a lawyer. Then another woman who has worked for us has a son who is getting his Masters while working in social work to help others who are not as fortunate as him. Think of that. Three people who are making a difference and supporting the economy.

Their fathers are laborers and their mothers are cleaning our house. They came here for a better life and left their countries for multiple reasons. These are the stories that make this country great. They are doing jobs that many of us would not do to make sure that their kids don’t have to. That will continue over and over and over again because it is not easy coming to this country starting from scratch.

As far as I am concerned, we should be honored to have people come to our country and create the next generation of working families with perhaps another child who creates another Fortune 500 company of the future.

Comments (Archived):

  1. Ella Dyer

    So well said; thank you!

  2. awaldstein

    Of course. There is no other side to this.At the head of my table every night. A great man. I seriously loved him.…(realized this is old but captures how i feel still.)

    1. pointsnfigures

      Yes there is. No one says immigration is bad-not even Trump. Trump has said he favors legal immigration. Illegal immigration is bad. For sure our immigration system is broken and needs to be fixed but no one on either side is proposing anything constructive at all. Each side can trot out all kinds of anecdotes and statistics that confirm their position.Personally, if I want to cripple a country like China I’d offer citizenship to everyone who comes here that gets a STEM or business degree-but they have to burn the boats and can’t return to China. No dual citizenship etc. Take their human capital and integrate them into America.Here are the known knowns: The US is better off with immigration so we need to have good immigration policy. The US social safety net is deep, and an big economic incentive for many to immigrate here paying any cost or taking any risk (monetarily or personal). The US taxpayer cannot afford to support illegal immigration.Here is an extremely innovative, constructive and market based solution :… Becker did groundbreaking work applying economics to social problems. In 1962, his paper on the Economics of Discrimination was truly controversial and innovative. It also proved out to be true (Discriminate and you penalize yourself)

  3. PhilipSugar

    Sorry to burst your bubble from out here in the countryside.The NRA is imploding.Because most gun owners think it is too liberal, too fat and now support Gun Owners of America.If you didn’t like the NRA that is like a conservative saying they didn’t like Biden because he was too liberal.

    1. JLM

      .In fact, the GOA and the NRA are both on the same side of most issues. Like any political organization, there is a moderate and a conservative view of things.The GOA is more conservative than the NRA — in the GOA’s opinion.The NRA has 5mm members. The GOA has 2mm members.That is a lot of members.They both have PACs.The NRA picked Oliver North to run the show. Wayne Lapierre is a typical lobbyist corrupt money grubbing opportunist. He is an abuser.The NRA is going to have to get its feet back under itself. Their gun safety and training is still superb. Politically, they are sufficiently conservative to serve their members, but they are acting like a fat cat union.JLMwww.themusingsofthebigredca…

  4. JLM

    .The issue is really LEGAL immigration.JLMwww.themusingsofthebigredca…

  5. Hiep N Bee

    Sorry to burst your bubble from out here in the countryside.The NRA is imploding.Because most gun owners think it is too liberal, too fat and now support Gun Owners of America.If you didn’t like the NRA that is like a conservative saying they didn’t like Biden because he was too liberal.http://www.grandmarestauran