Another day in Budapest
We could not have had a more perfect Sunday. The weather is perfect. A serious Indian summer. Cool in the morning, warm in the afternoon and the trees are all turning.

Coffee is always the first area of business. We walked over to My Little Melbourne for the flat whites.

I am a black coffee drinker so loved the flag hanging in the window.

Our next step was Szimpla Farmers Market at Szimpla Kert, a ruined bar that serves up the farmers market on Sunday. The food theme is similar to the Central Market with a few things thrown in. Sausages, cheese, breads and some honey and jams to boot. People were throwing back beers at 10am.

I gathered up a picnic for us to enjoy. The sausages were incredible. I bought more than needed and wanted to know if our neighbors would like to have the rest. Sure!

What I loved about these kids were their dedication to their works. Amazing coloring vs just sitting there on the phone playing games.

This the Jewish area of town. Many kosher restaurants, stores and a few synagogues. We went to the Dohany Street Synagogue, the second largest in the world, and largest in Europe. Lots of history here. This weeping willow memorial was funded by Tony Curtis, the actor, whose father was a Hungarian Jew.

The names of 30,000 Holocaust victims have been inscribed in the leaves.

This is the cemetery.

Stones have been placed in a memorial behind the square between the buildings. It is a custom that people put stones on Jewish graves to symbolize memory and legacy.

We hopped on the metro and went over to Széchenyi Thermal Bath. A must! We rented a cabin and two towels. Next time a robe. I had sandals that I snagged from the spa in Geneva for this part of the journey and Fred got a pair there. And in when went. It is quite magical.

We went from the outside to the inside to the sauna to the cold and back to the warm water again. It was incredible and so much fun.

A late lunch at Bors Gastro Bar. The most do is soups and salads. Once in awhile the staff yells something in unison like they do at Japanese restaurants. Not sure what they are saying but it was great. We had a red wine based goulash with vegetables and beef. So good.

The best was this pulled pork, gouda and coleslaw baguette panini that has been toasted on each side. Excellent and much better than any of the meals we have had.

Dinner was at Zeller Bistro. It was ok. They do have live music that gives you the feeling of being at apres-ski which we were on the fence about.

We strolled home after a full day of activities to rest up for the last day in Budapest.
Comments (Archived):
So happy to see Bors on here, it’s a wonderful place!They shout ‘Igen!’ in unison, which means ‘YES!’ in response to what the guy shouts out to begin with.
Thanks for this. Now I know!
Throwing back the beers at 10am, that can’t be great for society. This looks awesome, am going to retrace your steps when we visit. Thank you
Not bad on a Sunday.
Thanks for the travel narrative.There is a small but strong natural wine scene there.If I had known,, glad next time/sometime to connect you to someone who is deep into it in these faraway places.Enjoy.
Had one last night. ?
Cool.Supply of small producer wines from Eastern Europe is poor in NY–and LA–so always a treat to drink local when in Europe.… Tibor Rubin was a Hungarian Jew who wound up in a concentration camp-survived and came to America. He received the Medal of Honor for actions in Korea. He saved many many lives in a Chinese POW camp by putting to use the skills he had learned while being a prisoner of the Nazi’s. Crazy story and an amazing story. I met him once or twice. Truly a remarkable guy.
Have you ever thought of posting a map of route you have taken in a city? It might be helpful to readers if they visit the same place in the future.
I have but not top on my list