Everyone looks at things differently

Growing up I always had a head for business. Just how my brain worked. My first store was on the front lawn of our house when I was 4 or 5. An upside-down playpen filled with a few puppies that our dog had next to a small table of lemonade. Puppies were all gone by the end of the day and so was the lemonade.

Fast forward, there is nothing I don’t look at and wonder about the capital costs, how much money is being made and what opportunities are available for growth? I sit in an exercise class and calculate how much I think they are making each day.

What I love about millennials and also Gen Z is that many want to create careers that allow them to monetize their passions. The gig economy certainly does that although many of the companies that rely on them as their workforce are shitty companies. Regardless, it does give people the ability to do what works for them.

The importance of living our best life based on what excites us every day is a gift. These days that gift seems to be growing broader and that bleeds into everything around us. It will be very interesting to see how the mindset of being able to monetize your passions into a career vs just working to pay the rent looks like 10 years from now.

Comments (Archived):

  1. LD Eakman

    The, “let’s calculate what their sales must be to break-even based on the number of employees and estimates of fixed cost” game is a blessing and a curse. I feel you on that one.

  2. awaldstein

    Been thinking a lot about the great things culturally and the horrid things climate change wise that my baby boomer generation has created,Leaving the world better and worse both.And believe that from a climate environmental perspective cleaning up our mess will be a massive industry for the next generations that is already beginning and being funded. One that I am working to help with now.

    1. AMT Editorial Staff

      You mention it, so I am very curious…How do you feel about the “okay, boomer” response & spreading memes?

      1. awaldstein

        Reasonable question though I don’t pay it much mind.Not belittling the power of a meme of course but honestly, they don’t drive much of what I do or how I live or work.

        1. AMT Editorial Staff

          The Zs say it irrespective of the generation. It’s simply become a “RIP” for anything…

          1. awaldstein

            Dissing everything that we aren’t is a right of passage I guess. Not very interesting market or communications wise.

      2. Gotham Gal

        It’s def lumping people into one big bucket but each generation has its own schtick

        1. awaldstein

          ain’t that the truth.

  3. LE

    Everyone looks at things differently. You know what I see with this article? A great stunt to be able to get a job that doesn’t involve folding cloths at J Crew:https://nypost.com/2019/12/…Think it won’t happen? I am going to forward her name to someone so they can employ her and ride on the publicity coat tails with a follow up story about how someone saw the article and she got a better job (assuming someone doesn’t get to her first with an ‘offer’).

  4. LE

    that allow them to monetize their passionsI think there is a difference between finding a passion and making a living from a passion and that’s obvious.When I was a kid I wanted to be an airline pilot. My Dad told me to ‘get a job where you can make enough money to have your own airplane and fly when you want’. So that’s what I did. And by the way as you know if you enjoy making money and enjoy business it’s not like you need to have any attachment to the thing you are making money selling. I don’t think Fred Smith of Fedex thought ‘oh my passion is to deliver overnight packages’. Or Ray Kroc said ‘I want to sell hamburgers’. If it works it will be exciting and you will prosper (In business).If something works for you and you are successful you will love it. This idea that ‘I like golf’ or ‘I like boating’ or ‘I like music’ or ‘I like art’ without taking into account the job and money prospects is just plain wrong.