Back East
We made the big move back to the East Coast where our kids are. Just being here has relieved our anxiety tremendously.
It’s calm and eerie in Amagansett too. The chances of getting Covid-19 here vs Venice are a tad lower because it is not city life. Although everyone we know behaves by the rules. It is actually quite impressive.
Except for the idiots protesting for their right to get exposed just because they believe that we should live like the Wild West and get to carry guns into State houses and not have any Government in our life but most level headed people stay home.
We go out with masks and gloves and purell on hand. We are smart. We stay six feet away. We call our order in and show up with a mask and glove to pick it up. We get groceries delivered. Sometimes we go ourselves fully equipped with the right gear. The risk factor goes down significantly if you follow pragmatic rules to stay safe.
I’m not one for following rules but I do like being healthy. It works for me. I am thrilled to be back on the east coast but the rules still apply. The feeling out here is the same. It’s just a different walk (socially distanced) and a new view.
We were ready for a new view.