A Week in NYC
The inability to be spontaneous is definitely missed but we made the most of our week with a bit of planning. Out to dinner, friends for dinner, museums, and more. For all intents and purposes, it was a regular week in NYC but the backdrop of the pandemic always looms.

Had lunch with one of my favorite people who loves to eat and try as much as me at 232 Bleecker, Dig Inn’s first foray into restaurant dining service overseen by a group of top NYC alums from some of the best training grounds in the city. This koginut squash hummus could be eaten with just a big spoon. Delicious. I picked up Fred a pecan blondie with chocolate chips for an afternoon pickup before we left. He hit me up later asking where was that from with exclamations marks….noting it is incredible!

It was so good that I took Fred back for dinner. The squash pepper lasagna with cheese is so good. Layered al dente pasta stuffed with vegetables, cheese and chopped treviso on top. I had this at lunch and dinner.

Friends over dinner got this freeform apple tart for dessert.

Da Toscano has such good pasta. Michael gave us this treat that is about to hit the menu. Heaven. Warm cloudy pasta stuffed with light polenta and I believe artichokes. Should be on the new menu soon.

If you are in NYC get over to the Shed to see the Howardena Pindell show. Her work is so powerful and beautiful at the same time.

Also worthy is the at PS1, Marking Time, Art in the Age of Mass Incarceration. The work is also powerful and incredible at the same time.

Took a stop at Titan’s to grab some feta for another meal.

Marco Moreira has merged his restaurants together outside creating 15 East @ Tocqueville. It is beautiful, warm, inviting and definitely the best outdoor space we have seen.

Even the outdoor walls are part of the vibe. Eating outdoors in NYC this fall has been wonderful in our neighborhood. There are people on the streets, there is a buzz in the air, we see people we know and it feels like NY’s version of a European city. It is really good.
We want to take advantage of what the city has to offer. Always wearing a mask, always social distancing, always eating outside, always going where it isn’t crowded. No doubt it is not with ease but it is worth it.