Giving Broadly

My friend Dana Cowin did what many us have done during the pandemic….up her cooking game and support businesses as the same time. She began creating meals with flavors from Somalia, Thailand, Vietnam, Mexico, and more.
The editor in her has never left (she was the Editor-in-Chief at Food & Wine for 21 years) and before she knew it she was sourcing ideas, finding new products, writing about each of these women and building a website called Giving Broadly.
You can now read about 40 women from Azalina Eusope and buy her Malaysian peanut sauce and coconut jam or Krissy Scommenga and buy her magical Medonico dried peppers. I plan on taking a serious deep dive and read up on all these women and buy their products for the months ahead. My guess is this will continue to grow.
As for Dana, check out her podcast, Speaking Broadly, for inspiration on life, career and beyond, on Heritage Radio, iTunes, Stitcher &