Kathryn Garcia, Mayor
There are four weeks left in the Democratic primary mayoral election. I’d bet my money on whoever wins on June 22 becomes the next mayor of NYC come November.
I am a fan of Maya Wiley, Shaun Donovan, and Andrew Yang. If any of them won, I’d get right behind them and help however I could. We have financially given to the majority of the candidates and then sat back to watch the show. Elections are interesting to watch. There have been some really positive things and some super big gaffes. Obviously, the polls can make one crazy, but this particular race is of interest because, for the first time, there is ranked-choice voting in NYC. This is also a race that has been mostly run during Covid.
Some candidates are more left while others are too much of the same old thing. Some have never run anything. Others have said things that showed being out of touch, while others have just fueled a fire and didn’t run a smooth campaign.
I held off on being public about who to support, but I feel now is the time to speak up. The one person who continues to impresses me and has taken the approach that slow and steady wins the race is Kathryn Garcia. She’s smart, gets where the city needs to go, understands the deep infrastructure flaws that need to be repaired from housing to homelessness, and perhaps most importantly, she is a problem solver. She has worked inside the last couple of administrations, taking in running a city and how not to run a city. There is no doubt in my mind she will be an incredible mayor. She knows how the city operates and essentially where all the dead bodies are buried. That’s huge. She can hit the pavement on day one. An added bonus, she is a born and bred NYer.
Most of all she is a woman. It’s time for women to run this town. The truth is they have been for decades. Now let’s put a woman in the mayoral seat.
If you are a fan, please support her campaign. Cash is needed in a race. It is just a fact of our system. And if you are wondering who to throw your support behind for the Manhattan DA, try another woman, Diana Florence. Give to her campaign too!