Memorial Day 2021

Memorial Day kicks off Summer. It also a day to remember those we have lost serving our country. The first Memorial Day was in 1866. Today at 3 pm, a national moment of rememberance takes place, local time. I just read that today and honestly never knew that was part of Memorial Day. Considering all the tension around the world, acknowledging our troops is a must.
On the summer front, this should be an interesting one. Covid, for all intents and purposes, seems to be waning in NY city. Vaccines are still being given, and the chances of a breakout seem slim. The streets are humming, the restaurants that made it to the other side are so packed, and there are not enough seats for the number of people looking for a spot. Retail has been decimated. Some streets feel good, while others feel hauntingly empty. I hope that other the summer we will see massive change.
Prices must come down in commercial real estate with creative leases that build partnerships between the owners and retailers. Returning to what was isn’t a mistake. It wasn’t working so well before the pandemic. Ecommerce has changed the game, and nobody is going back. Creativity at the ground level is begging for something new. Filling those spaces are important to bring back the beat of the street in every neighborhood.
Looking forward to watching the entrepreneurial spirit in NYC and the boroughs begin to hum. It is time for a new generation of retailers, gallerists, bodega owners, tailors, cobblers, watchmakers, bakers, and everything else that makes a community hum to return with creative ideas and leases that make sense.