Paris Photo Show…and more
I have been coming to the Paris Photo show for years. It is my favorite art show. There is just a great vibe, there is only one medium, and it gets us to Paris! This year, for the first time, Fred came along for the ride. He loved it too. Here are some of my faves. This was at the Polka Gallerie, the artist is noted as the Anonymous Project. If I had a place to put it, I might have made the purchase.
Joana Choumali. Most of her work focuses on African photos she takes and then embroiders and sews on materials to enhance the images. They are uplifting and highlight different cultures throughout the continent.
Multiple pieces from Paolo Ventura reminded us of a Wes Anderson movie. It ends up the artist is an Italian set designer.
Diana Markosian. Certainly, based on the refugee crisis, this photo is haunting and beautiful at the same time.
Stephen Inggs at Hacklebury Fine Art uses old traditional photo techniques.
We stayed for 3-4 hours before going back to the 6th for another Covid test. You have to get them every three days unless you have received the confirmation from France excepting your USA vaccination card. Honestly, it is not a big deal to do, and if anything, we have seen firsthand how the pharmacy system works. Quite good! We ended up at a Thai restaurant called Crying Tiger. The place was alive, and I stuck my head in the door to find one table empty for two. Absolutely delicious.
We returned to the Clown Bar for dinner, just not as good as last time, alas. There is always another meal around the corner.