Sitcom and Advertising TV Execs Get It

Years ago I judged senior projects at ITP (Interactive Telecommunications Program @NYU). This student had filmed TV on every channel, including advertisements, showing how diverse they were. It was fascinating. What was happening through the mouth of media differed from what was shown in streaming TV and advertising.

Continuing on that theme, I have read a few books about early sitcoms deemed too much for the American audience, such as Mary Tyler Moore. But through perseverance, the show went on, with a single woman who worked and a friend who they chose not to say was divorced – gasp! That friend would, of course, be Rhoda.

Fast forward, I notice the shift of characters in the post-Covid world. Everyone is emotional, talking about their feelings, and all around, seem to be more woke. We are living in a quasi-fascist world right now, and quite frankly scares the shit out of me. But then I see what is happening on TV and realize that perhaps, just perhaps, the reality is not as bad as the media is making it out to be.