Teens Confirmed
I believe in data. It is infuriating listening to people espouse their nonsense without any facts. People have been calling for teen cannabis consumption to rise including how people can become addicted, how harmful it is to our health, how your IQ can go down. I could create a huge list but the reality is there will always be issues that affect a small percentage of people but that is true of pharmacuticals and other products. Have we seen the pharmceutical ads on TV? It makes me wonder why I would ever take any drug.
Here is the one piece of data that we all knew. Teenagers rebel, so it is not surprising that in the states where cannabis has legalized, teen usage is down by 6%. What is the point when it is legal? Perhaps we could learn from this when it comes to wine consumption vs. the hard core attitude in our country around no drinking until 21. If you learn how to consume vs the taboo attitude then perhaps we wouldn’t see the crazy drinking that happens to many in their early 20s. Maybe that is why the US has such high rates of alcohol disorders.
It is not shocking that teen consumption is down because access and exception aren’t as exciting as keeping it from your parents. If anything, this data is refreshing and a step in the right direction for federal cannabis legalization.